PistolsRedoneV1 - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: FabledSaiko
Last Updated: May 25, 2017
In Categories: Pistols
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By FabledSaiko
A complex (kind of) pistol overhaul mod that i've made mainly for personal use but decided to share at the end.
It maybe and honestly probably will be broken and unbalanced as I haven't really have time to fully test it.
The idea of this mod is to bring much more variability to the flawed (in my opinion) weapon system by generally speaking
improving underwhelming guns in the game as well as adding some cool extra features.
I've mostly focused on making pearls and legendaries worthy their names but also buffed some overall bad guns or changed the double
accessory on Jakobs to function like Mashers from BL1.
1. Changed the double accessory on Jakobs pistols (AND ONLY JAKOBS) to give x7 projectiles, reduce damage and firerate to achieve
outcome possibly closest to the BL1 Mashers
2. Slightly increased the damage on all Jakobs pistols and majorly reduced the recoil (Jakobs pistols were decent enough but far
from being spectacular. Also the "fires as fast as you can pull the trigger" feature was completly wasted because of the huge
3. Increased firerate of the Rex for a cost of magazine size and slight damage decrease
4. Changed the Greed to work kind of like Cyber Eagle from TPS (laser projectiles, point blank accuracy, no recoil)
5. Increased Maggy's damage and accuracy also added 1 pellet (should be similar to regular masher but "fires as fast
as you can pull the trigger")
6. Buffed the Unforgiven by increasing the damage and firerate. Also now fires twice per trigger pull
7. Buffed all Maliwan pistols by increasing the damage, elemental effect damage and bringing the splash to 100%
8. Buffed the Infection by majorly increasing the damage over time so it actualy kills things now
9. Totaly remaked the Wanderlust. High accuracy, no recoil, increased damage, elemental effect chance and elemental effect damage.
Now shoots slag rounds with 300% splash matching the element of the weapon
10. Buffed all Bandit pistols by increasing the damage and firerate
11. Buffed the Gub by increasing the damage and firerate even further
12. Buffed the Devastator (now shoots 8 projectiles that behave like the regular Torgue ones)
13. Buffed the Stalker by increasing the firerate to ridiculous amounts, iproving accuracy as well as buffing the damage over time
14. Buffed the Logan's Gun by increasing the damage and the damage over time. Changed the projectile to be a single Badaboom
projectile so it will still regenerate the launcher ammo but should kill thing now too
15. Remaked the Dahlminator (now Fork). Behaves like mini Pitchfork basically
16. Changed the Spikers to simply shoot different projectiles as the stats on them were already decent
17. Maybe more to come later...