Oselands - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: osetor74
Last Updated: August 07, 2024
In Categories: Major Overhauls and Mod Packs
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V. 1.2.8
Oselands is a re-balance/overhaul of Borderlands 2 with the single goal of making the experience from start to finish more fun through polishing the gameplay experience and trying to make as many good options as possible. Obviously fun is subjective, but I've tried to cover as many bases as possible.
The following links are meant solely for if you are within the ModCabinet page for the mod:
Main Page - Full summary of the mod and instructions on how to install it. If you are already there, this link is useless.
Version Notes - Changes separated by the version they came in
If you are already on the main page, scroll down for a slightly more detailed summary of the mod
@title Oselands
@main-author osetor74
@author Temmmmy
@version 1.2.8
@description A large rework/rebalance of the game. Visit the GitHub page for more details.
Created by osetor74
Additional help by Temmmmy and ZetaDaemon for contributions with code and advice with modding.
Playtesters: Viper, Temmmmy, neirax, Flynt/FlameTheGame, Funkotron9000, AnimaOmega
krzychhoo, Haderax, Pirek ... oh yeah and also Doomatics
This is a pseudo-modpack where i took aspects (mostly QoL) that i
liked from other mods, including a large portion of the UCP,
but pretty much all of the game balancing was done by me.
Changes game balance, weapon types, weapon/shield parts, unique weapons
and some unique shields, character skill trees and class mods
and more.
Requires Command Extensions, Sanity Saver, and thus also the PythonSDK to function properly