Mustang & Sally V2 - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Mustang & Sally V2

Author: Kieitrio

Last Updated: July 31, 2017

In Categories: Pistols

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Description (from inside mod)

Credits for the skins goes to Coleby (He let me use a modded version of his Usp .45 ACP skin)
Made by Kieitrio
Elementally locked to have no element
An attempt at a remake of the Mustang and Sally from the Call of Duty Zombies franchise
Best used with Salvador but can still be used indivisually with other characters
Mustang has increased movement speed, Sally has a Rubie healing effect
Mustang replaces the Hornet, Sally replaces the Teapot
Mustang: BL2(hwAAAAAQ2QCBxwRABAGFmsNwheEP4////////x0w/v//w/CCMRHj)
Sally: BL2(hwAAAACGawCBBwZABAGF7sRwhdEU4////////x0w/v/fxPCCQRTj)

V1.0 Initial Release
V2.0 Nerfed Explosive Damage & Reduced Movement speed for Mustang

Name & Description
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