MissingSights - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: KuroPanther_M
Last Updated: June 11, 2019
In Categories: General
Link to Mod File
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|*|MISSING WEAPON SIGHTS|*|#########|Made by KuroPanther|
|!|WARNING|!| Make sure to execute this file before loading a save, otherwise the weapons/items modified by this mod will be
|!|WARNING|!| deleted from your inventory. Be careful and enjoy!
Allows the Greed, Longbow, Buffalo and the Elephant Gun to have a sight.
Also allows them (Longbow, Buffalo and Elephant Gun) to have a damage, a fire rate or a mag accessory.
On gibbed save editor just copy the sight code from another gun (pistol or sniper) and paste over the sight slot of one of those
weapons (Greed, Longbow, Buffalo and Elephant Gun).
The same applies for the accessories. Or use these gibbed codes instead :
Greed (with jakobs sight and damage accessory) >> BL2(hwAAAABigAGHR4EDB4FEQsOIhVGBEALG//8JGB0w/v9bIASDQYDw)
Longbow (with hyperion sight and damage accessory) >> BL2(hwAAAADg1wCAaIRBDIFEFoBRAAMN5gXMBBgbMGRg/v8zg2kEQw3m)
Buffalo (with jakobs sight and damage accessory) >> BL2(hwAAAADomACEKIRBBoFEBoFZAOMMxgXMBJj//2Rg/v8rg3EEIw3m)
Elephant Gun (with jakobs sight and damage accessory) >> BL2(hwAAAABlkASECIAJB4FEEqBcADOA0gXMBJj//2Rg/v8LoHQEA4Dy)