Matching Barrels - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: PsychoPatate
Last Updated: August 26, 2018
In Categories: Weapon and Gear Visuals
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Simple mod to make unique weapons have the barrel from their manufacturer. (Sand Hawk has a Dahl barrel, Pimpernel has a Maliwan barrel, etc...)
Matching Barrels V.1.1 (23/08/18) by PsychoPatate
This description assumes that you already read the readme of the mod from github.
This mod only changes the APPEARANCE of weapons, no actual stats are affected
Some weapons are left unchanged, here is a short list :
- Weapons with E-Tech barrels
- Assault rifles with minigun barrels
- Assault rifles with grenade/rocket launcher barrels
- Most shotguns, because having a triple barrel on a weapon that uses 2 ammo per shot is not okay
V.1.1 (23/08/18)