Make Don't Copy That Floppy Repeatable - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: LollosaurusRex
Last Updated: April 02, 2024
In Categories: Quest Changes
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This allows for you to continue to get Pimpernels from C3n50r807 in the Washburne Refinery without having to restart your playthrough or having to gib the mission back
Feel free to change the files however you like (not much to change) but please DO NOT REHOST IT. Thank you (:
This allows for you to repeat the mission "Don't Copy that Floppy" in the pirate DLC.
This allows for you to keep getting pimpernels without having to restart your playthrough or having to gib the mission back in
Feel free to change the code however you like (not much to change) but please DO NOT REHOST IT