LegendaryNinja - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: Dashiku

Last Updated: April 16, 2017

In Categories: COMs

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Description (from inside mod)

!!This COM is meant to be played with a roid shield!!
!!It makes every roid shield in the game, at OP8, have 0 capacity. This means you always get the roid shield bonus!!
!!This COM eliminates shield stripping to save some unnecessary effort!!
!!You're also vulnerable all the time when wearing this COM so be careful!!
!!Has a non roid shield counterpart called the "Legendary Ghost", both replace the Legendary Ninja COM, so choose which one you like!!

Legendary Assassin (replaces Legendary Ninja)
Melee Damage    +55%
Critical Damage +30%
Shield Capacity -2820949

Ambush         +5
Killing Blow   +5
Follow Through +5
Backstab       +5
Resurgence     +5

Red Text: Movement Speed +25% :"Take but 0ne step to kill.."
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