LegendaryGhost - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Dashiku
Last Updated: April 16, 2017
In Categories: COMs
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!!This COM is meant to be played without a roid shield, hence the high melee boost!!
!!You can wear a roid shield if you want but with the shield capacity and recharge delay boosts it's hard to maintain!!
!!Has a roid shield focused counterpart called the "Legendary Assassin", both replace the Legendary Ninja COM, so choose which one you like!!
Legendary Ghost (replaces Legendary Ninja)
Melee Damage +1306%
Shield Capacity +30%
Shield Recharge Delay -25%
Ambush +5
Unforseen +5
Grim +5
Followthrough +5
Backstab +5
Red text: Cooldown Rate +50%: "Fear the unseen.. Fear the unkn0wn.."