IncredibleHulk v2 - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

IncredibleHulk v2

Author: VariantLoki

Last Updated: July 10, 2017

In Categories: Rocket Launchers

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Description (from inside mod)

!!!Caution: This weapon might break Torgue assault rifles, the Infection, and the Blockhead
---------------------------- Change Log ----------------------------
v2.1 - Decreased Damage for balencing
v2 - Nerfed Damage to make it slightly more reasonable. It's still OP, Because it's THE HULK, but its not SuperMegaUltra OP, you know what I'm saying?
- Change the explosion Definitions again. It will still behave the same way though so don't worry. I'm just doing this so that all my weapons will be compatible when I combined them eventually into one mod pack.
v1.1 - Had to change the Explosion definitions. Original I used the explosion from Axton's Turret Nuke skill, but you can only see that explosion while playing as Axton. Now uses an explosion that all Characters can see.
v1 - Initial release
-------------------- Weapon Information --------------------
Replaces the Badaboom Rocket Launcher
Made to represent Marvel's The Hulk (I will have a seperate weapon in the future for Bruce Banner)
Unlike my previous weapons, this is one was INTENTIONALLY made to be overpowered. It's meant to be a fun weapon that you can take to a map and just cause massive destruction. Do speed runs, farm for other weapons, show those annoying bosses who the real boss is. You do you.

Locked to corrosive
Heres a Gib code:BL2(hwAAAADtDwBDp4I/AoFEXqIAQ9GJIgCFGgoJFBso/v97olhBkYri)
Fires 4 Projectiles per shot
High damage and Melee bonus, but slow reload speed and high ammo consumption (5 ammo per shot)
1% accuracy. With the blast radius, you don't need accuracy. (But in my testing it is still kinda accurate? Just fire at the enemy and something is sure to hit them.)
Ammo regenerates over time. I'm not completely evil.
50% movement speed bonus and greatly increases your jumping height. Have fun getting into places you're not supposed to.
Custom Skin, and also Custom Rarity Color - Acid Green. Appeares above Legendary but below Sereph (Recolors money rarity, so money will also appear bright green)
Slight colour tweaks to all rarities to make them more distingishable from each other.

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