Hotfixes by Riftedge - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Riftedge
Last Updated: August 25, 2018
In Categories: Enemy Changes
Other mods with the same name:
Hotfixes (from Phaselock(hotfix) v2.1.txt), by theNocturni
Hotfixes (from Vendor+ v2.2.txt), by theNocturni
Hotfixes (from Badassify Extreme v2.1.txt), by theNocturni
Hotfixes (from Enemy Enhancer Extreme v3.2.1.txt), by theNocturni
Hotfixes (from Enemy Enhancer v3.2.1.txt), by theNocturni
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1. I've forgetten the exact sequences I wrote. Maybe some successive AOEs, unexpected attack sequences, high bullet speed, high DOT chance, mixed projectiles and a better engine, but I do reserve some time window. So good luck.
2. AOE could be avoided by jumping at proper timing but it's hard.
3. GD_Balance_HealthAndDamage.AIParameters.Attribute_HealthMultiplier determines health. Current value is 1000.000000, change it if you want.
By Biorespawn 2018.3