Head And Skin Usability Unlocker - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Last Updated: February 10, 2019
In Categories: Character Visuals
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Mod written by GitHub: (Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell) / Nexus Mods: (OB4MA)
This mod removes the restriction for heads and skins to allow the mod user to equip class specific heads and skins on any character.
For example, one can equip a Gaige (Mechromancer) only head on Salvador (Gunzerker) while wearing a car skin.
I now added this same functionality to Vehicles, so have fun turning human flesh into rideable meat vehicles.
These options will only appear for those who use this mod, so clients without the mod will still have the normal options even if it is being used by the host.
In terms of visibilty for clients, if you are the host and use this mod, they will see the monstrosity that you have become.
If you join a players game with this mod activated and certain cosmetics equipped, it will NOT appear for them even if they are running this mod.
However, this mod works, visually, for YOU at ALL times.
Now go, my children, create monstrosities never seen before by even Pandora's scariest of inhabitants.