Dashiku's Arsenal - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Dashiku's Arsenal

Author: Dashiku

Last Updated: June 11, 2019

In Categories: Packs

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Description (from inside mod)

This is a collection of weapons part of Dashiku's personal arsenal. All of the weapons make use of the awesome patented "Adaptive Bullet System". Bullets shot by these weapons change their element to match whatever enemy type you're shooting.

Current weapons:
- Dashiku's Repeater
- Dashiku's Shotgun

Dashiku's Repeater

- Replaces the Stalker
- Non elemental
- Explosive splash + Adaptive splash
- High Magazine Size
- High Fire Rate
- Strong Ammo Regeneration (10/s)
- Increases Movement Speed by 25% while held
- Has the Butcher ammo effect

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