Compact Sanctuary - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Compact Sanctuary

Author: OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell

Last Updated: October 08, 2018

In Categories: Map Alterations, General QoL

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Description (from inside mod)

Written by Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell.
Getting near completion for this mod.
Moves Moxxi, Tannis, Sir Hammerlock, Marcus, Moxxi's tip jar, slot machines, the Bank, Crazy Earl, the Bounty Board, vending machines, the Golden Chest, the Fast Travel Station, the Player Customization Station, a radio and more.
The Bounty Board and Quick Change stations can be interacted with at their new and old locations.  However, the "new" Bounty Board is just a strip to the left of Crazy Earl's "new" door.
If Michael/John Mamaril spawns he will be right next to the player customization station (quick change station).
Dying in either Sanctuary is free of charge.  Outside of either will cost the vanilla 7% of your maximum money again.
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