Celestial Brotrap - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Rhysand
Last Updated: June 16, 2018
In Categories: COMs
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Your buddies will actually love you with this com!
+Team Ammo Regen - This is stupidly high. You and your buddies will never run out of ammo!
+Team Weapon Damage
+Team Fire Rate
+Team Reload Speed
+Team Passive Health Regeneration
+5 Best Buds 4 Life
+5 Maniacal Laughter
+5 Through Thick And Thin
+5 All the Things Are Awesome
+5 Wax Off, Wax On
+5 Pain Simulator is Painful
+5 Blue Shell
I would have increased Organized Guns are Happy, but gearbox made it impossible to increase this skill with any com.
Replaces Eridian Vanquiser - Farmed from X-STLK-23 in Research and Development or from the Empyrean Sentinel.
Perfect Gibbed Code: BLOZ(CgAAAAAengALEDSAIzBG4xPAEUAQwP///////////38TQApCAMA=)
By Rhysand