Celestial Blademaster - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Rhysand
Last Updated: June 16, 2018
In Categories: COMs
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Update Notes: Removed the behavior that makes Athena's shield immediately begin recharging upon activating Aspis.
For melee builds that behavior is counterintuitive as it starts to recharge roid shields.
+Melee Damage
+Critical Hit Damage
+5 Gun Kata
+5 Clarity of Purpose
+5 Mercurial
+5 Bloodlust
+5 Tear
+5 Hold The Line
+5 Gathering Tempest
Replaces Celestial Gladiator - Grinder is the best place to go. 3 purple Athena coms and moonstone grind.
Perfect Gibbed Code: BLOZ(CgAAAAAu9AAUDzyAQzBG4xPAEUAQwP///////////z8SABRBAMA=)
By Rhysand