COMOverhaulPack - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: SirUmnei

Last Updated: November 13, 2017

In Categories: COMs

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Description (from inside mod)

COM Overhaul Pack

by SirUmnei

Revamps most Class Mods in the game to be better balanced and fun.

This project would've never been finished in a timely manner if it weren't for a bunch of amazing people. Many thanks to all of these awesome peeps:

Tactical Bacon

If I missed your name, you know who you are, but please send me a DM so I can add you to the list!


Axton's COMs

Legendary Soldier                  #   Legendary Engineer                 #   Legendary Grenadier                #   Legendary Trooper                  #   Legendary Rifleman

Cooldown Rate +47%                 #   Turret Damage +31%                 #   Grenade Damage +52%                #   Team Aim Speed +50%                #   Assault Rifle Fire Rate +34%
Gun Damage +39%                    #   Turret Fire Rate +35%              #   Explosive Resistance +32%          #   Team Movement Speed +20%           #   Assault Rifle Gun Damage +48%
Fire Rate +22%                     #                                      #   Grenade Regen +0.04/s              #   Team Reload Speed +29%

+5 Sentry                           #   +5 Sentry                          #   +5 Steady                          #   +5 Ranger                          #   +5 Impact
+5 Ready                            #   +5 Laser Sight                     #   +5 Impact                          #   +5 Quick Charge                    #   +5 Onslaught
+5 Impact                           #   +5 Battlefront                     #   +5 Grenadier                       #   +5 Onslaught                       #   +5 Battlefront
+5 Expertise                        #   +5 Resourceful                     #   +5 Battlefront                     #   +5 Impact                          #   +5 Metal Storm
+5 Healthy                          #   +5 Expertise                       #   +5 Sentry                          #   +5 Metal Storm                     #   +5 Overload
+5 Preparation

Legendary Legionnaire               #   Legendary Guardian                 #   Legendary Specialist               #   Legendary Scout                    #   Legendary Hero

Sniper Recoil Reduction +46%        #   Team Shield Capacity +528928       #   Shotgun Gun Damage +34%            #   Team Magazine Size +36%            #   Team Max Health +317357
Sniper Critical Damage +34%         #                                      #   Shotgun Accuracy +40%              #   Team Ammo Regen +2.7/s             #   Team Health Regen +12782.4/s

+5 Battlefront                      #   +5 Preparation                     #   +5 Ready                           #   +5 Overload                        #   +5 Healthy
+5 Ranger                           #   +5 Pressure                        #   +5 Forbearance                     #   +5 Metal Storm                     #   +5 Grit
+5 Expertise                        #   +5 Resourceful                     #   +5 Impact                          #   +5 Impact                          #   +5 Forbearance
+5 Impact                           #   +5 Quick Charge                    #   +5 Pressure                        #   +5 Ready                           #   +5 Crisis Management
+5 Metal Storm                      #   +5 Battlefront                     #   +5 Ranger                          #   +5 Ranger                          #   +5 Able

Dahl Allegiance                    #   Jakobs Allegiance                  #   Tediore Allegiance                 #   Torgue Allegiance

Dahl Gun Damage +31%               #   Jakobs Critical Damage +39%        #   Tediore Magazine Size +46%         #   Torgue Explosive Damage +37%
Dahl Fire Rate +35%                #   Jakobs Recoil Reduction +44%       #   Tediore Grenade Damage +39%        #   Torgue Reload Speed +44%
Dahl Accuracy +40%                 #   Jakobs Reload Speed +44%           #   Tediore Ammo Regen +2.1/s          #   Torgue Accuracy +40%

+5 Impact                           #   +5 Impact                          #   +5 Steady                          #   +5 Ready
+5 Expertise                        #   +5 Healthy                         #   +5 Battlefront                     #   +5 Impact
+5 Forbearance                      #   +5 Duty Calls                      #   +5 Overload                        #   +5 Steady
+5 Preparation                      #   +5 Ranger                          #   +5 Ranger                          #   +5 Metal Storm
+5 Ready                            #   +5 Crisis Management               #   +5 Pressure                        #   +5 Onslaught

Maya's COMs

Legendary Siren                    #   Legendary Cat                      #   Legendary Nurse                    #   Legendary Binder                   #   Legendary Trickster

Cooldown Rate +53%                 #   SMG Gun Damage +138%               #   Team Health Regen +18512.5         #   Team Cooldown Rate +29%            #   Fire Rate +42%
Gun Damage +39%                    #   SMG Accuracy -41%

+5 Ward                             #   +5 Mind's Eye                      #   +5 Restoration                     #   +5 Reaper                          #   +5 Foresight
+5 Accelerate                       #   +5 Wreck                           #   +5 Elated                          #   +5 Helios                          #   +5 Chain Reaction
+5 Mind's Eye                       #   +5 Accelerate                      #   +5 Sweet Release                   #   +5 Suspension                      #   +5 Kinetic Reflection
+5 Flicker                          #   +5 Reaper                          #   +5 Life Tap                        #   +5 Wreck                           #   +5 Life Tap
+5 Foresight                        #   +5 Foresight                       #   +5 Suspension                      #   +5 Sweet Release                   #   +5 Inertia

Legendary Vixen                     #   Legendary Calamity                 #   Legendary Warder                   #   Legendary Angel                    #   Legendary Bunny

Incendiary/Corrosive Damage +15%    #   Gun Damage +47%                    #   Shield Capacity +493666            #   Team Max Health +669976            #   Fire Rate +27%
Ignite/Corrode Chance +50%          #                                      #   Shield Recharge Rate +56%          #                                      #   Reload Speed +47%
Burn/Corrosion Damage +50%          #                                      #                                      #                                      #   Swap Speed +33%

+5 Blight Phoenix                   #   +5 Elated                          #   +5 Wreck                           #   +5 Elated                          #   +5 Wreck
+5 Helios                           #   +5 Wreck                           #   +5 Ward                            #   +5 Sustenance                      #   +5 Accelerate
+5 Life Tap                         #   +5 Reaper                          #   +5 Kinetic Reflection              #   +5 Quicken                         #   +5 Fleet
+5 Reaper                           #   +5 Mind's Eye                      #   +5 Inertia                         #   +5 Wreck                           #   +5 Quicken
+5 Backdraft                        #   +5 Foresight                       #   +5 Quicken                         #   +5 Suspension                      #   +5 Foresight
+5 Suspension

Dahl Allegiance                    #   Hyperion Allegiance                #   Jakobs Allegiance                  #   Maliwan Allegiance

Dahl Gun Damage +31%               #   Hyperion Critical Damage +39%      #   Jakobs Critical Damage +39%        #   Maliwan Effect Chance +50%
Dahl Fire Rate +35%                #   Hyperion Magazine Size +46%        #   Jakobs Recoil Reduction +44%       #   Maliwan Effect Damage +50%
Dahl Accuracy +40%                 #   Hyperion Fire Rate +35%            #   Jakobs Reload Speed +44%           #   Maliwan Reload Speed +44%

+5 Wreck                            #   +5 Wreck                           #   +5 Foresight                       #   +5 Blight Phoenix
+5 Foresight                        #   +5 Mind's Eye                      #   +5 Mind's Eye                      #   +5 Helios
+5 Ward                             #   +5 Ward                            #   +5 Fleet                           #   +5 Foresight
+5 Inertia                          #   +5 Inertia                         #   +5 Sustenance                      #   +5 Flicker
+5 Accelerate                       #   +5 Sweet Release                   #   +5 Reaper                          #   +5 Suspension

Zer0's COMs

Legendary Hunter                   #   Legendary Killer                   #   Legendary Sniper                   #   Legendary Ninja                    #   Legendary Stalker

Cooldown Rate +47%                 #   Team Critical Damage +57%          #   Sniper Gun Damage +47%             #   Melee Damage +63%                  #   Pistol Fire Rate +35%
Critical Damage +39%               #                                      #   Sniper Critical Damage +47%        #   Swap Speed +33%                    #   Pistol Magazine Size +47%
Reload Speed +22%                  #                                      #   Shield Capacity -564190            #                                      #   Shield Recharge Rate +47%
Sniper Ammo Regen +1.9/s

+5 Headsh0t                         #   +5 Vel0city                        #   +5 Innervate                       #   +5 Backstab                        #   +5 Vel0city
+5 Fast Hands                       #   +5 Killer                          #   +5 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill               #   +5 Like the Wind                   #   +5 Fast Hands
+5 Ambush                           #   +5 Ambush                          #   +5 Headsh0t                        #   +5 Killing Blow                    #   +5 Rising Sh0t
+5 Killing Blow                     #   +5 Headsh0t                        #   +5 Fast Hands                      #   +5 Ambush                          #   +5 Tw0 Fang
+5 Ir0n Hand                        #   +5 Tw0 Fang                        #   +5 At 0ne with the Gun             #   +5 F0ll0wthr0ugh                   #   +5 F0ll0wthr0ugh

Legendary Professional              #   Legendary Viper                    #   Legendary Survivor                 #   Legendary Ghost                    #   Legendary Sharpshooter

Shield Capacity +458404             #   Shotgun Recoil Reduction +41%      #   Max Health +387881                 #   Cooldown Rate +43%                 #   Team Kill Skill Duration +61%
Reload Speed +40%                   #   Shotgun Magazine Size +51%         #   Health Regen +18512.5              #   Gun Damage +31%                    #   Team Critical Damage +34%

+5 Ir0n Hand                        #   +5 Tw0 Fang                        #   +5 Innervate                       #   +5 Innervate                       #   +5 F0ll0wthr0ugh
+5 Grim                             #   +5 Vel0city                        #   +5 Ir0n Hand                       #   +5 Unf0rseen                       #   +5 Grim
+5 Precision                        #   +5 Headsh0t                        #   +5 Ambush                          #   +5 Vel0city                        #   +5 Killer
+5 Innervate                        #   +5 Precision                       #   +5 Fearless                        #   +5 Ambush                          #   +5 Vel0city
+5 Ambush                           #   +5 Grim                            #   +5 Rising Sh0t                     #   +5 Rising Sh0t                     #   +5 At 0ne with the Gun

Bandit Allegiance                  #   Jakobs Allegiance                  #   Maliwan Allegiance                 #   Vladof Allegiance

Bandit Extra Shot Chance +39%      #   Jakobs Critical Damage +39%        #   Maliwan Effect Chance +50%         #   Vladof Magazine Size +46%
Bandit Reload Speed +44%           #   Jakobs Recoil Reduction +44%       #   Maliwan Effect Damage +50%         #   Vladof Ammo Regen +2.1/s
Bandit Melee Damage +57%           #   Jakobs Reload Speed +44%           #   Maliwan Reload Speed +44%          #   Vladof Bullet Ricochets +5

+5 Rising Sh0t                      #   +5 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill               #   +5 Ir0n Hand                       #   +5 Rising Sh0t
+5 F0ll0wthr0ugh                    #   +5 Killer                          #   +5 Unf0rseen                       #   +5 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill
+5 Tw0 Fang                         #   +5 Precision                       #   +5 Killing Bl0w                    #   +5 Fast Hands
+5 Fearless                         #   +5 Kill C0nfirmed                  #   +5 Fast Hands                      #   +5 Kill C0nfirmed
+5 Be Like Water                    #   +5 Headsh0t                        #   +5 Ambush                          #   +5 Tw0 Fang

Salvador's COMs

Legendary Berserker                #   Legendary Gunzerker                #   Legendary Hoarder                  #   Legendary Titan                    #   Legendary War Dog

Melee Damage +53%                  #   Cooldown Rate +47%                 #   Team Ammo Regen +4.1/s             #   Health Regen +13223.2/s            #   Reload Speed +44%
Melee Cooldown Rate +50%           #                                      #                                      #   Gun Damage +38%                    #   Magazine Size +55%
Movement Speed +30%                #                                      #                                      #   Shield Capacity -423142

+5 Incite                           #   +5 Lay Waste                       #   +5 Lay Waste                       #   +5 Last Longer                     #   +5 Locked & Loaded
+5 I'm the Juggernaut               #   +5 Last Longer                     #   +5 5 Shots or 6                    #   +5 Sexual Tyrannosaurus            #   +5 Lay Waste
+5 Ain't Got Time to Bleed          #   +5 Yippee-Ki-Yay                   #   +5 Filled to the Brim              #   +5 Just Got Real                   #   +5 5 Shots or 6
+5 All in the Reflexes              #   +5 Divergent Likeness              #   +5 Locked & Loaded                 #   +5 Ain't Got Time to Bleed         #   +5 Incite
+5 Hard to Kill                     #   +5 Keep It Piping Hot              #   +5 Incite                          #   +5 Filled to the Brim              #   +5 Out of Bubblegum
+5 Keep It Piping Hot

Legendary Deputy                    #   Legendary Tank                     #   Legendary Mafioso                  #   Legendary Sheriff                  #   Legendary Rig

Shotgun Reload Speed +38%           #   Max Health +669976                 #   SMG Fire Rate +38%                 #   Pistol Gun Damage +43%             #   Kill Skill Duration +77%
Shotgun Critical Damage +41%        #                                      #   SMG Critical Damage +47%           #   Pistol Swap Speed +33%             #   Life Steal +1%
Shotgun Max Ammo +55%               #                                      #   SMG Magazine Size -59%             #   Pistol Magazine Size +53%

+5 Money Shot                       #   +5 Hard to Kill                    #   +5 Quick Draw                      #   +5 I'm Your Huckleberry            #   +5 Bus That Can't Slow Down
+5 All I Need is One                #   +5 I'm the Juggernaut              #   +5 Divergent Likeness              #   +5 Divergent Likeness              #   +5 I'm the Juggernaut
+5 Incite                           #   +5 Ain't Got Time to Bleed         #   +5 Lay Waste                       #   +5 Lay Waste                       #   +5 Incite
+5 Last Longer                      #   +5 Asbestos                        #   +5 All in the Reflexes             #   +5 Locked & Loaded                 #   +5 Just Got Real
+5 Quick Draw                       #   +5 Sexual Tyrannosaurus            #   +5 5 Shot or 6                     #   +5 Last Longer                     #   +5 Lay Waste

Bandit Allegiance                  #   Hyperion Allegiance                #   Tediore Allegiance                 #   Torgue Allegiance

Bandit Extra Shot Chance +39%      #   Hyperion Critical Damage +39%      #   Tediore Magazine Size 46%          #   Torgue Explosive Damage +37%
Bandit Reload Speed +44%           #   Hyperion Magazine Size +46%        #   Tediore Grenade Damage 39%         #   Torgue Reload Speed +44%
Bandit Melee Damage +57%           #   Hyperion Fire Rate +35%            #   Tediore Ammo Regen +2.1/s          #   Torgue Accuracy +40%

+5 I'm the Juggernaut               #   +5 All in the Reflexes             #   +5 Filled to the Brim              #   +5 Lay Waste
+5 Out of Bubblegum                 #   +5 Divergent Likeness              #   +5 5 Shots or 6                    #   +5 Divergent Likeness
+5 Incite                           #   +5 Filled to the Brim              #   +5 All in the Reflexes             #   +5 Keep it Piping Hot
+5 Locked & Loaded                  #   +5 5 Shots or 6                    #   +5 Incite                          #   +5 Filled to the Brim
+5 All in the Reflexes              #   +5 Last Longer                     #   +5 Locked & Loaded                 #   +5 Incite

Gaige's COMs

Legendary Mechromancer             #   Legendary Anarchist                #   Legendary Roboteer                 #   Legendary Catalyst                 #   Legendary Punk

Fire Rate +30%                     #   Gun Damage +56%                    #   Cooldown Rate +26%                 #   Team Effect Damage +53%            #   Fire Rate +35%
Health Regen +11900.9/s            #   Weapon Accuracy -42%               #   Deathtrap Melee Damage +47%        #   Team Shock Damage +15%             #   Reload Speed +44%
Weapon Accuracy +37%               #                                      #                                      #                                      #   Magazine Size -27%

+5 Cooking Up Trouble               #   +5 Strength of Five Gorillas       #   +5 Strength of Five Gorillas       #   +5 Wires Don't Talk                #   +5 Fancy Mathematics
+5 The Better Half                  #   +5 Unstoppable Force               #   +5 Potent as a Pony                #   +5 Evil Enchantress                #   +5 The Better Half
+5 20% Cooler                       #   +5 Smaller, Lighter, Faster        #   +5 Made of Sterner Stuff           #   +5 More Pep                        #   +5 Preshrunk Cyberpunk
+5 More Pep                         #   +5 Typecast Iconoclast             #   +5 20% Cooler                      #   +5 Electrical Burn                 #   +5 Smaller, Lighter, Faster
+5 Strength of Five Gorillas        #   +5 Preshrunk Cyberpunk             #   +5 Annoyed Android                 #   +5 Interspersed Outburst           #   +5 Typecast Iconoclast
+5 Smaller, Lighter, Faster

Legendary Jill Of All Trades        #   Legendary Nihilist                 #   Legendary Sweetheart               #   Legendary Technophile              #   Legendary Prodigy

Assault Rifle Gun Damage +47%       #   Shield Recharge Delay +67%         #   Team Max Health +317357            #   Shield Capacity +493666            #   Reload Speed +59%
Assault Rifle Magazine Size +53%    #   Shield Capacity -324409            #   Team Health Regen +12782.4/s       #   Shield Recharge Delay +56%         #   Weapon Accuracy +39%
Melee Damage +72%
Movement Speed +30%

+5 The Better Half                  #   +5 Strength of Five Gorillas       #   +5 Cooking Up Trouble              #   +5 Myelin                          #   +5 Close Enough
+5 Strength of Five Gorillas        #   +5 Preshrunk Cyberpunk             #   +5 Potent as a Pony                #   +5 Fancy Mathematics               #   +5 Smaller, Lighter, Faster
+5 Shock Storm                      #   +5 Potent as a Pony                #   +5 Made of Sterner Stuff           #   +5 Made of Sterner Stuff           #   +5 Strength of Five Gorillas
+5 Interspersed Outburst            #   +5 Cooking Up Trouble              #   +5 20% Cooler                      #   +5 Unstoppable Force               #   +5 Unstoppable Force
+5 Fancy Mathematics                #   +5 Made of Sterner Stuff           #   +5 More Pep                        #   +5 Cooking Up Trouble              #   +5 Interspersed Outburst

Dahl Allegiance                    #   Hyperion Allegiance                #   Maliwan Allegiance                 #   Vladof Allegiance

Dahl Gun Damage +31%               #   Hyperion Critical Damage +39%      #   Maliwan Effect Damage +50%         #   Vladof Magazine Size +46%
Dahl Fire Rate +35%                #   Hyperion Magazine Size +46%        #   Maliwan Effect Chance +50%         #   Vladof Ammo Regen +2.1/s
Dahl Accuracy +40%                 #   Hyperion Fire Rate +35%            #   Maliwan Reload Speed +44%          #   Vladof Bullet Ricochets +5

+5 The Better Half                  #   +5 Myelin                          #   +5 Fancy Mathematics               #   +5 Cooking Up Trouble
+5 Unstoppable Force                #   +5 Typecast Iconoclast             #   +5 Myelin                          #   +5 The Better Half
+5 Myelin                           #   +5 Unstoppable Force               #   +5 More Pep                        #   +5 Unstoppable Force
+5 Interspersed Outburst            #   +5 The Better Half                 #   +5 Shock Storm                     #   +5 Made of Sterner Stuff
+5 Fancy Mathematics                #   +5 Made of Sterner Stuff           #   +5 Wires Don't Talk                #   +5 Smaller, Lighter, Faster

Krieg's COMs

Legendary Psycho                   #   Legendary Torch                    #   Legendary Sickle                   #   Legendary Reaper                   #   Legendary Crunch

Burn Damage +37%                   #   Burn Damage +60%                   #   Melee Damage +90%                  #   Team Kill Skill Duration +100%     #   Explosive Damage +58%
Team Kill Skill Duration +61%      #   Self-Burn Damage -47%
Melee Damage +60%

+5 Blood Bath                       #   +5 Burn, Baby, Burn                #   +5 Empty the Rage                  #   +5 Embrace the Pain                #   +5 Feed the Meat
+5 Taste of Blood                   #   +5 Fuel the Fire                   #   +5 Fuel the Blood                  #   +5 Blood Bath                      #   +5 Embrace the Pain
+5 Silence the Voices               #   +5 Fire Fiend                      #   +5 Silence the Voices              #   +5 Strip the Flesh                 #   +5 Blood Bath
+5 Embrace the Pain                 #   +5 Elemental Elation               #   +5 Taste of Blood                  #   +5 Salt the Wound                  #   +5 Strip the Flesh
+5 Fire Fiend                       #   +5 Embrace the Pain                #   +5 Salt the Wound                  #   +5 Blood-Filled Guns               #   +5 Nervous Blood
+5 Burn, Baby, Burn

Legendary Meat                      #   Legendary Bone Crusher             #   Legendary Marauder                 #   Legendary Javelineer               #   Legendary Blister

Health Regen +17630.9/s             #   Shotgun Fire Rate +43%             #   Assault Rifle Gun Damage +43%      #   Launcher Magazine Size +25%        #   Grenade Capacity +10
Shield Recharge Delay +79%          #   Shotgun Gun Damage +32%            #   Assault Rifle Accuracy +41%        #   Launcher Max Ammo +54%             #   Kill Skill Duration +75%
Launcher Ammo Regen +0.10/s

+5 Empty the Rage                   #   +5 Fire Fiend                      #   +5 Blood-Filled Guns               #   +5 Nervous Blood                   #   +5 Thrill of the Kill
+5 Embrace the Pain                 #   +5 Pain is Power                   #   +5 Embrace the Pain                #   +5 Blood-Filled Guns               #   +5 Fuel the Fire
+5 Feed the Meat                    #   +5 Feed the Meat                   #   +5 Thrill of the Kill              #   +5 Blood Bath                      #   +5 Blood Twitch
+5 Thrill of the Kill               #   +5 Blood Bath                      #   +5 Fuel the Fire                   #   +5 Strip the Flesh                 #   +5 Blood Bath
+5 Salt the Wound                   #   +5 Salt the Wound                  #   +5 Elemental Elation               #   +5 Thrill of the Kill              #   +5 Nervous Blood

Bandit Allegiance                  #   Tediore Allegiance                 #   Torgue Allegiance                  #   Vladof Allegiance

Bandit Extra Shot Chance +39%      #   Tediore Magazine Size 46%          #   Torgue Explosive Damage +37%       #   Vladof Magazine Size +46%
Bandit Reload Speed +44%           #   Tediore Grenade Damage 39%         #   Torgue Reload Speed +44%           #   Vladof Ammo Regen +2.1/s
Bandit Melee Damage +57%           #   Tediore Ammo Regen +2.1/s          #   Torgue Accuracy +40%               #   Vladof Bullet Ricochets +5

+5 Empty the Rage                   #   +5 Blood Bath                      #   +5 Blood Bath                      #   +5 Fuel the Fire
+5 Embrace the Pain                 #   +5 Boiling Blood                   #   +5 Blood-Filled Guns               #   +5 Elemental Elation
+5 Thrill of the Kill               #   +5 Blood-Filled Guns               #   +5 Fuel the Blood                  #   +5 Fire Fiend
+5 Silence the Voices               #   +5 Elemental Elation               #   +5 Pain is Power                   #   +5 Blood Twitch
+5 Fuel the Blood                   #   +5 Fire Fiend                      #   +5 Strip the Flesh                 #   +5 Pain is Power

Gibbed Codes

Axton's COMs

Legendary Soldier                     BL2(BwAAAAC9QgAlDWqhQxBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQRABAME=)  Legendary Specialist                  BL2(BwAAAACjYwkKFAGw0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQIhAME=)
Legendary Engineer                    BL2(BwAAAADVTAoDAAcAUBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQEgAME=)  Legendary Scout                       BL2(BwAAAAAtegkHFAGw8BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQIhAME=)
Legendary Grenadier                   BL2(BwAAAAAwfwoEAAcAkBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQEgAME=)  Legendary Hero                        BL2(BwAAAADHLQkDFAGw8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQEhAME=)
Legendary Trooper                     BL2(BwAAAABFjQoFAAcA8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQAgAME=)  Dahl Allegiance                       BL2(BwAAAACgKQkIFAGwUBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQIhAME=)
Legendary Rifleman                    BL2(BwAAAADaQwAADWihQxBQGQXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQkBAME=)  Jakobs Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAABZgQkCFAGwcBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQAhAME=)
Legendary Legionnaire                 BL2(BwAAAADruQkGFAGw0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQEhAME=)  Tediore Allegiance                    BL2(BwAAAACOdAkFFAGw8BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQEhAME=)
Legendary Guardian                    BL2(BwAAAAApVgkEFAGwEBJQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQEhAME=)  Torgue Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAAB5jgkJFAGwkBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQIhAME=)

Maya's COMs

Legendary Siren                       BL2(BwAAAAAY9wAnDXihAxFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgRgBAME=)  Legendary Warder                      BL2(BwAAAACYpAkTFAOw8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQQhAME=)
Legendary Cat                         BL2(BwAAAAD73QoCAAMA0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EgQAgAME=)  Legendary Angel                       BL2(BwAAAABdpgkSFAOw8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQQhAME=)
Legendary Nurse                       BL2(BwAAAACJOQoBAAMA8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EQQAgAME=)  Legendary Bunny                       BL2(BwAAAACG/wkMFAOwsBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQMhAME=)
Legendary Binder                      BL2(BwAAAACnZQoAAAMAEBFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EAQAgAME=)  Dahl Allegiance                       BL2(BwAAAADKRwkNFAOwUBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQMhAME=)
Legendary Trickster                   BL2(BwAAAAA/6AAhDXahoxBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQkBAME=)  Hyperion Allegiance                   BL2(BwAAAABcGwkVFAOw0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQUhAME=)
Legendary Vixen                       BL2(BwAAAADhzAkQFAOwEBFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQQhAME=)  Jakobs Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAADuIwkRFAOwcBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQQhAME=)
Legendary Calamity                    BL2(BwAAAACamwkPFAOw0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQMhAME=)  Maliwan Allegiance                    BL2(BwAAAACSlQkUFAOwEBFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQUhAME=)

Zer0's COMs

Legendary Hunter                      BL2(BwAAAAClIgArDZShYxBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DASYBAME=)  Legendary Survivor                    BL2(BwAAAABTOwkHFAGwMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQIhAME=)
Legendary Killer                      BL2(BwAAAAAG+woKAAsA8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EgQIgAME=)  Legendary Ghost                       BL2(BwAAAACk6gkdFAWw0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQchAME=)
Legendary Sniper                      BL2(BwAAAAA2CwoMAAsAsBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EwQIgAME=)  Legendary Sharpshooter                BL2(BwAAAACyfwkWFAWwsBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQUhAME=)
Legendary Ninja                       BL2(BwAAAABKQwoLAAsAEBFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EQQIgAME=)  Bandit Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAADdggkeFAWwMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQchAME=)
Legendary Stalker                     BL2(BwAAAADd3gAjDZKhoxBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQkBAME=)  Jakobs Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAAAW0gkZFAWwcBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQYhAME=)
Legendary Professional                BL2(BwAAAADU+QkbFAWwUBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQYhAME=)  Maliwan Allegiance                    BL2(BwAAAADD0QkXFAWwEBFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQUhAME=)
Legendary Viper                       BL2(BwAAAAASsQkYFAWw0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQYhAME=)  Vladof Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAAD6pQkaFAWwsBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQYhAME=)

Salvador's COMs

Legendary Berserker                   BL2(BwAAAAA22QApDYahIxBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwSEBAME=)  Legendary Mafioso                     BL2(BwAAAAAsjQkkFAewMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQkhAME=)
Legendary Gunzerker                   BL2(BwAAAABASgoHAAkAkBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EAQMgAME=)  Legendary Sheriff                     BL2(BwAAAAB4DQkmFAewcBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQghAME=)
Legendary Hoarder                     BL2(BwAAAAAZugoIAAkAsBBQJAXBAUEAwf///////////78EwQEgAME=)  Legendary Rig                         BL2(BwAAAAC9yAkfFAew8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQghAME=)
Legendary Titan                       BL2(BwAAAACDSgoJAAkA8BFQJAXBAUEAwf///////////78EgQEgAME=)  Bandit Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAACi4AklFAewMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQghAME=)
Legendary War Dog                     BL2(BwAAAAD5YgAiDYShQxBQGQXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQkBAME=)  Hyperion Allegiance                   BL2(BwAAAABYSQkgFAew0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQohAME=)
Legendary Deputy                      BL2(BwAAAADK9AkhFAewcBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQkhAME=)  Tediore Allegiance                    BL2(BwAAAADJvgkjFAew8BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQkhAME=)
Legendary Tank                        BL2(BwAAAAAblQkiFAew8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQkhAME=)  Torgue Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAAAFxwknFAewkBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQghAME=)

Gaige's COMs

Legendary Mechromancer                BL2(BwAAAAD+WgIKAQUI0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQsgAME=)  Legendary Sweetheart                  BL2(BwAAAAA8hQktFAmw8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQshAME=)
Legendary Anarchist                   BL2(BwAAAABJcAoUAA0AsBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EwQMgAME=)  Legendary Technophile                 BL2(BwAAAAC5XgkuFAmwEBJQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQshAME=)
Legendary Roboteer                    BL2(BwAAAAChZAoWAA0A0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EQQMgAME=)  Legendary Prodigy                     BL2(BwAAAAAPAAkoFAmwUBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQohAME=)
Legendary Catalyst                    BL2(BwAAAAA43goVAA0AEBFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EgQMgAME=)  Dahl Allegiance                       BL2(BwAAAADONAkpFAmwUBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQwhAME=)
Legendary Punk                        BL2(BwAAAAC0pAIBAQMIMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQkBAME=)  Hyperion Allegiance                   BL2(BwAAAACdagkwFAmw0BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQohAME=)
Legendary Jill of All Trades          BL2(BwAAAADf3AksFAmw8BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQshAME=)  Maliwan Allegiance                    BL2(BwAAAADaPQkrFAmwEBFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQshAME=)
Legendary Nihilist                    BL2(BwAAAACBxgkqFAmwMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQwhAME=)  Vladof Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAAAdyAkvFAmwsBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQohAME=)

Krieg's COMs

Legendary Psycho                      BL2(BwAAAADbiwYLAAMAMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQkgAME=)  Legendary Marauder                    BL2(BwAAAABQ/Ak4FAuwMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQ0hAME=)
Legendary Torch                       BL2(BwAAAABExAoZAA8AEBFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EQQQgAME=)  Legendary Javelineer                  BL2(BwAAAAAAawk3FAuw8BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQ0hAME=)
Legendary Sickle                      BL2(BwAAAAAD8AoYAA8AMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EgQQgAME=)  Legendary Blister                     BL2(BwAAAAD5AwkyFAuwMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQwhAME=)
Legendary Reaper                      BL2(BwAAAAAcVAoXAA8AMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////78EAQQgAME=)  Bandit Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAACV/gk5FAuwMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQ0hAME=)
Legendary Crunch                      BL2(BwAAAABhOQYKAAEAkBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQkgAME=)  Tediore Allegiance                    BL2(BwAAAADFaQk2FAuw8BBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQ0hAME=)
Legendary Meat                        BL2(BwAAAAATqgk0FAuw8BFQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DQQ4hAME=)  Torgue Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAAAg0QkzFAuwkBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DgQ4hAME=)
Legendary Bone Crusher                BL2(BwAAAADdJAk1FAuwMBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DAQ4hAME=)  Vladof Allegiance                     BL2(BwAAAABLTwk6FAuwsBBQKAXBAUEAwf///////////38DwQwhAME=)

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️