Better Sanctuary Shooting Range Version 1.2 - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Last Updated: March 01, 2020
In Categories: Map Alterations, General QoL
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Mod written by GitHub: Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell / Nexus Mods: OB4MA
This mod adds target practice dummies of every health type into the shooting range. This includes some on walls to test melee damage from front and behind (for Backstab and whatnot).
This includes Flesh, Shield, Armor and also has dummies that you can kill over and over to activate kill skills and has a low chance to drop ammo.
I also added extra vendors to the area and added a Bank, Stash, Black Market and Golden Chest into the shooting range.