Bank & Backpack Space Customizer (Part 2) - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Last Updated: April 10, 2019
In Categories: Inventory/Bank Changes, UI QoL Changes
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Mod written by GitHub: Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell / Nexus Mods: OB4MA
This is the second part of this two part mod pack.
This particular mod allows you to customize how many Backpack/Inventory slots that you would like at any point.
The default is 40 and goes all the way up to 200. Past this point it gets pretty laggy when you open your Backpack or Bank.
The "Unlimited Backpack Space" option does not alter your Backpack capacity number, but you can pick up items from the ground as much as you would like.
However, due to an issue that I've tried and failed to fix, you cannot buy items from a Vendor with this method when it is past your normal or modified capacity.
IMPORTANT: make sure to NOT add this mod to any modpack that you use, add PART 1 instead! DO NOT ADD THIS to a modpack, add PART 1 instead! Although, make sure to put THIS MOD in your Binaries folder!