BL2 General Gameplay and Balance: Game Mode Balance - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: General Gameplay and Balance: Game Mode Balance
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OverpowerLevelBonuses, by Aaron0000
Remove Health Regeneration in UVHM, by Freya
Slagfree Vanilla, by Ezeith
UVHM Rebalance (from UVHM Rebalance (Hard)), by Nifsara
UVHM Rebalance (from UVHM Rebalance (Hard with UVHM+)), by Nifsara
UVHM Rebalance (from UVHM Rebalance (Regular)), by Nifsara
UVHM Rebalance (from UVHM Rebalance (Regular with UVHM+)), by Nifsara
UVHM+ (from UVHM+ v2.7(speed).txt), by theNocturni
UVHM+ (from UVHM+ v2.7.txt), by theNocturni
UVHM-RB, by Aaron0000
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