BL2 Characters and Skills: Gaige Changes - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Characters and Skills: Gaige Changes
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Anarchy Rework, by AutumnWitch
Badass Rank Buff for Sabre Turret and Deathtrap, by Teratorn43906
Buff Rational Anarchist, by Handbra
Cooking Up Trouble Change, by AutumnWitch
Death From Above Buff, by AutumnWitch
DeathTrap benefits from various skills, by Coleby
Deathtrap in FFYL v1.0.0, by Astor
Default Deathtrap Appearance, by Coleby
DTAIFix, by Riftedge
Electrical Burn Buff, by AutumnWitch
GaigeReworkV1.1, by AutumnWitch
GaigeSkillTreeRework, by HorrorInfinity
Interspersed Outburst Buff, by AutumnWitch
Lazy Gaige Buffs, by Evanito
Myelin Change, by AutumnWitch
Potent as a Pony Change, by AutumnWitch
Rationaliest Anarchist, by mopioid
RationalSMASHer, by AutumnWitch
Remove ADS Sway on Hot Mama, by HypeRabbit
Roboteers Boost Deathtrap, by Kazy
Shock Storm Change, by AutumnWitch
Slag Make it Sparkle, by AutumnWitch
Smaller Lighter Faster Buff, by AutumnWitch
Smaller, Lighter, Faster into Bigger, Heavier, Faster, by Zixxyzay
Smaller, Lighter, Faster No Magazine Penalty, by Aaron0000
ToggleGaige, by soze
Unstoppable Force Deathtrap Movement Speed Bonus, by SentySent
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