BL2 Audio and Visual: General A V Settings - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 2: Audio and Visual: General A/V Settings
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A good mod, by expletivedeleted
ARPG Style Loot Beams, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
BL1-Style Rarity, by Aaron0000
Customizable Player Audio Muter, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
ICanSeeAgain, by TheRealElysium
Inertia/Weapon Sway, by Juso
Larger Midget Containers, by OurLordAndSaviorGabeNewell
Less Blinding Damage Popups, by TheRealElysium
Less Dumb Visuals v3.2.0, by Freya
LessBlindingFotFH, by theNocturni
no bore noise, by Ethel
NoLines, by Robeth
PsychoPatch, by PsychoPatate
ShockinglyClear, by AutumnWitch
silent amps, by Ethel
Splash v2.1, by theNocturni
StVBlindness, by soze
Viewmodel, by Juso
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