Auto Sprint - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Auto Sprint

Author: ZetaDaemon

Last Updated: September 18, 2024

In Categories: Other Gameplay Changes, General QoL

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Makes it so you automatically sprint while walking and not shooting. Additionally now sprinting is multiplicative with other speed boosts. Provides options for changing sprint speed, FOV, removing the accuracy penalty. Additionally you can improve the accelrate and change base walk speed. All settings are defaulted to vanilla values, my reccomendation is 25% FOV, 30% sprint speed, increased accelrate and 550 movespeed.

This mod requires Command Extensions

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Description (from inside mod)

Licensed under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Makes it so you automatically sprint while walking and not shooting.
Additionally now sprinting is multiplicative with other speed boosts.
Provides options for changing sprint speed, FOV, removing the accuracy penalty.
Additionally you can improve the accelrate and change base walk speed.
All settings are defaulted to vanilla values, my reccomendation is 25% FOV, 30% sprint speed, increased accelrate and 550 movespeed.
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