Another Spiker Mod V1.0c by Orudeon - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Another Spiker Mod V1.0c by Orudeon

Author: Orudeon

Last Updated: September 11, 2018

In Categories: Pistols

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Description (from inside mod)

Redesigns Spikers into hand-held micro-rocket launchers. All spikers deal heavily increased damage, explode sooner, and now deal your choice of Reaper, Grenade, or Rocket (vanilla) splash.
Bandit, Dahl, and Vladof Spikers have higher recoil, higher burst delay, and lower fire rate respectively to keep them in line with other brands while retaining their brand signature.
Maliwan spikers have massively increased elemental chance and damage at the expense of lower DPS.
A very special thank you to LightChaosman for coding the zero-delay detonation code.
You must install this with LightChaosman's BLCMM or manually merge the hotfixes at the end of the document. Includes Jakobs and Torgue E-Tech compatibility baseline.
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