(WIP) Unique Parts - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

(WIP) Unique Parts

Author: NB55NB

Last Updated: May 02, 2018

In Categories: General

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Description (from inside mod)

*This mod makes every part unique ,exluding e-tech,unique weapon barrels, and shotgun barrels, giving them more varied stats and abilities than their vanillia counterparts!
-Barrel adds a x2 mulitplier, 25% accuracy reduction, and a 42% damage reduction.
-Grip:50%melee damage, -10% weapon swap speed and reload speed
-Barrel adds 25% reload increase, 15% mag size, and a 5% damage reduction
-Barrel: adds 33% elemental effect damage, 55% chance increase, and a 12.5% damage reduction
-Barrel: x2 projectile, x2 ammo cost, 10% accuracy reduction
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