The Not So Fakobs Redux Compatible - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Author: TheGigaMaster
Last Updated: April 01, 2021
Most Recent Version: 0.5.0
In Categories: Shotguns
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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The Not So Fakobs - Redux Compatible
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Buffs the everliving daylights out of the gun "The Shoddy" (AKA The Fakobs) The gun is obtainable from the sidequest "Money Back Guarantee" in DLC 3 In essense, the gun is being designed to become a 1 shot destroyer. However, it still requires that you be directly on top of your enemy.
The Redux_Compatible version is designed to be used with the Redux Mod by EpicNNG.
I plan on making more changes, but this is just a start.
A variation of the Not So Fakobs Mod designed to work with Redux.
Buffs the everliving daylights out of the gun "The Shoddy" (AKA The Fakobs)
The gun is obtainable from the sidequest "Money Back Guarantee" in DLC 3
In essense, the gun has become a 1 shot destroyer.
However, it still requires that you be directly on top of your enemy.
The item is now classified as a pearlescent item.
Name change and red text change.
Buffs: Increased damage by 25x
I plan on making more changes, but this is just a start.
Fakobs chanes to make
Change pellet count to 1
increase acc and handeling to 100%
Reload time = 0.5 sec
Alternate name ideas
Gun: Jacob's Deliverance
Red Text: Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother... Genesis 32:11
keep in mind pearl's get a 1.3x buff from pearl status
Change Fakobs TO PEARL
0.5.0 - Initial Release