The Not So Fakobs - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Author: TheGigaMaster
Last Updated: April 02, 2021
Most Recent Version: 0.5.0
In Categories: Shotguns
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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The Not So Fakobs
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Buffs the everliving daylights out of the gun "The Shoddy" (AKA The Fakobs) The gun is obtainable from the sidequest "Money Back Guarantee" in DLC 3 In essense, the gun is being designed to become a 1 shot destroyer. However, it still requires that you be directly on top of your enemy.
The Redux_Compatible version is designed to be used with the Redux Mod by EpicNNG.
I plan on making more changes, but this is just a start.
Buffs the everliving daylights out of the gun "The Shoddy" (AKA The Fakobs)
The gun is obtainable from the sidequest "Money Back Guarantee" in DLC 3
In essense, the gun has become a 1 shot destroyer.
However, it still requires that you be directly on top of your enemy.
The item is now classified as a legendary item.
Name change and red text change.
Buffs: Increased damage by 25x
I plan on making more changes, but this is just a start.
Fakobs chanes to make
Change pellet count to 1
increase acc and handeling to 100%
Reload time = 0.5 sec
Alternate name ideas
Gun: Jacob's Deliverance
Red Text: Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother... Genesis 32:11
Change Fakobs TO legendary
0.5.0 - Initial Release