Less Guaranteed Gun Accessoires - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Author: Jalokin333
Last Updated: February 06, 2021
Most Recent Version: 1.0.0
In Categories: General
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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Less Guaranteed Gun Accessoires
OHL or B3HM (local file): Right click and "Save Link As" OHL (web loading): Create a shortcut by dragging into a folder B3HM (web loading): Right click and "Copy Link" |
Changes the minimum amount of accessoires for a given slot to zero for every gun.
This will make guns worse on average, but give you more variety.
Thanks to Grimm and apocalyptech
Generated by gen_less_guaranteed_gun_acc.py
Atlas Assault Rifles