Faster NPCs - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Author: CZ47
Contact: =]#7647
Last Updated: November 09, 2021
Most Recent Version: 1.1.0
In Categories: Other Character Changes, General QoL
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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Faster NPCs
OHL or B3HM (local file): Right click and "Save Link As" OHL (web loading): Create a shortcut by dragging into a folder B3HM (web loading): Right click and "Copy Link" |
Sets the movespeed to twice that of the Vault Hunters for Typhon, Claptrap, Lilith, Lorelei, Clay, Maya and Ava.
Shoutout to Apocalyptech! Made use of his Movement Speed Cheats mod to create this mod.
If there's any NPCs missing that you'd want me to add, feel free to message on on discord (=]#7647)