Characters and Skills: Operative Changes - blcm/bl3mods GitHub Wiki
Borderlands 3: Characters and Skills: Operative Changes
Borderlands 3 Mods
"Fixing" Commitment and Phalanx Stacking, by SSpyR
A Few General Fixes, by CZ47
Assorted Character Buffs, by SpiderLenny
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Complete Version.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Balands (from Balands - 3 - Balancing.bl3hotfix), by Aaron0000
Borderlands 3 Unofficial Community Patch, by shadowevil
Burst Fire Skill Descriptions, by ZetaDaemon
Burst Fire Skill Fixes, by ZetaDaemon
CalmCoolCollected Techspert, by DexManly
Infinite SNTNL Drone Duration, by Phenom
Kill Skill Duration Buffs, by SpiderLenny
No Action Skills Cooldown All Characters, by Phenom
No Action Skills Cooldown Operative, by Phenom
No Barrier AmpShot VFX, by Poïpoï
Operative Com-Combo, by PHM2D
Power Ranger Clone, by Phenom
Zane Anarchy, by SSpyR
Zane The Hunter, by PHM2D
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