12 Karate Config.js - biswajitsundara/Karate GitHub Wiki

Karate configuration file is a key component in Karate framework. Its basically used for the below purpose.

  • Stores global variables : Means any variable declared or initialized in this file can be accessed by any feature file directly.
  • Configure url,proxy, authorization token
  • Dynamically change the variable values based on environment (url value is often changed)
  • This file is called by default, no need to call this in any way
  • Remember the variables in karate config.js get initialized/re initialized after every feature file. If we need to assign values only once then we need to use callSingle.

File location

Keep the file at this location src/test/java


function frameworkConfig() {
  var env = karate.env; // get system property 'karate.env'
  var os = karate.os;
  karate.log('karate.env system property was:', env);
  karate.log("your OS is:",os);

  if (!env) {
      env = 'dev';

  var config = {
	env: env,
	baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',
	os : os

  if (env == 'dev') {
      config.baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/api'
  else if (env == 'qa') {
      config.baseUrl = 'https://reqres.in';
  else if (env == 'qc') {
	config.baseUrl = 'http://dummy.restapiexample.com/';
  else if (env == 'prod') {
	return config;

Feature File

Feature: Test Karate Config
    * url baseUrl

  Scenario: Read the variable from karate config
    Given path '/api/v1/create'
    And print baseUrl

Runner File

package tests.config;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import com.intuit.karate.KarateOptions;
import com.intuit.karate.junit4.Karate;

@KarateOptions(features = "classpath:tests/config/ConfigTest.feature")
public class ConfigTestRunner {

	public static void before() {
        System.setProperty("karate.env", "qa");

Handle authorization token

Lets say we have one common authorization scheme across feature files. Then we can have the authorization token generated in one feature file and then use it across. We will have to use callSingle if the requirement is to generate the authrozation token only once.

//Changes in karate-config.js file
//We can pass argument to the feature file also (just put a comma and add parameter ('classpath:..',parameter)
 var result = karate.callSingle('classpath:tests/authorization/UserAuthentication.feature');
 config.authInfo = result
 config.auth = {accessToken:result.accessToken}
 return config;

//Feature file
And print authInfo
And print authInfo.accessToken
And print auth
Directly use config.authInfo etc and that will add the field authInfo to the existing config object. 
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