09 Data Driven - biswajitsundara/Karate GitHub Wiki

Karate test scenarios can be run multiple iterations and the data can be parameterized using Scenario Outline and Examples

Data Table Example

  Feature: Create User

    * url 'http://dummy.restapiexample.com'

  Scenario Outline: Create user using data table
    Given path '/api/v1/create'
    And request {"name":,"salary":,"age": }
    When method POST
    Then status=200
    Then print response

      | uname     | usal | uage |
      | Parineeti | 1230 |   32 |

Please note, we can also vary the end point and the response array using index from the example section.

Reusing data from the response

 Scenario: Create user and then fetch data for the same
    Given path '/api/v1/create'
    And request {"name":"Priyanka","salary":"6000","age": "34"}
    When method POST
    Then status=200
    * def result = response

    Given path '/api/v1/employee/' + result.data.id
    When method GET
    Then status = 200
    And print response
    And match response.data contains {id: '#(result.data.id)'}

Use data from external file (CSV)

Please note the CSV file should have the column name exactly same as the column name mentioned in the scenario.

Scenario Outline: Create user using data from file
    Given path '/api/v1/create'
    And request {"name":,"salary":,"age": }
    When method POST
    Then status=200
    Then print response

      | read ('./data/data-driven.csv') |
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