12 Cypress Dashboard - biswajitsundara/Cypress GitHub Wiki
The cypress dashboard service lets you record your tests and host the results in cloud.
- The dashboard service has free & paid plans
- Check out the pricing here - https://www.cypress.io/pricing/
- It records the tests, we can see the snapshot, log, videos etc.
Create Dashboard Account
- Go to https://www.cypress.io/pricing
- Select the plan
- Click on 'Get Started' button
- It will ask you to login using various options (I use github)
- Give some organization name
How to Setup the project
- Once the authentication is completed
- It will ask for a project name
- Select the project type
Connect Cypress Project & Dashboard
- Once the project is setup
- It will give the project id & command to run it
- Add the project id in
e.g"projectId": "ab4zpo"
- Run the command e.g
node_modules\.bin\cypress run --record --key 0776ghfy-3e51-41dc-a4ca-01767676ghjg51
How it works
- Once the command is executed, it will start executing the tests
- We will see the real time execution status in the cypress dashboard
- If any test fails, the snapshot will be attached
- We will see logs/videos of the executed tests.
- The details are saved and we can fetch details from different views.