homolog_tree_builder - biologyguy/RD-MCL GitHub Wiki

Display clusters on a tree

This tool Converts an RD-MCL final_clusters.txt file into a cladogram for better viewing. Each cluster is arranged as if it were a polytomy, and if a cluster has been recursively disassociated, that structure will be displayed in hierarchical fashion.

Generalized usage

$: homolog_tree_builder cluster_file <args>

cluster_file: Each cluster is a whitespace-separated list of sequence IDs, one cluster per line, prefaced with a group id and cluster score. This is the format output by rdmcl.py in `final_clusters.txt. For example:

group_0_1  70.0358 BOL-PanxαC Bab-PanxαD Bch-PanxαE Bfo-PanxαD Bfr-PanxαC Cfu-PanxαC Dgl-PanxαG Edu-PanxαB Hca-PanxαH
group_0_3  45.8238 BOL-PanxαA Bab-PanxαB Bch-PanxαC Bfo-PanxαB Dgl-PanxαE Edu-PanxαA Hca-PanxαB Hru-PanxαA Lcr-PanxαH
group_0_0  75.9846 Bab-PanxαC Bch-PanxαD Bfo-PanxαC Bfr-PanxαB Cfu-PanxαA Cfu-PanxαD Cfu-PanxαF
group_0_18 2.0734  Hvu-PanxβA Hvu-PanxβB Hvu-PanxβC Hvu-PanxβD Hvu-PanxβE Hvu-PanxβF Hvu-PanxβG
group_0_2  54.1235 BOL-PanxαB Bab-PanxαA Bch-PanxαA Bfo-PanxαE Bfr-PanxαA Dgl-PanxαI Edu-PanxαE
group_0_5  20.471  BOL-PanxαD Bab-PanxαE Bfo-PanxαI Dgl-PanxαD
group_0_6  13.037  BOL-PanxαH Dgl-PanxαH Edu-PanxαC
group_0_7  9.316   Bfo-PanxαG Dgl-PanxαA
group_0_19 2.9556  Hru-PanxαC
group_0_20 1.642   Edu-PanxαI
group_0_23 1.642   Edu-PanxαD
group_0_26 2.463   Cfu-PanxαB
group_0_30 1.4778  Bfo-PanxαA

args: All optional flagged arguments are explained in detail below.


-cs, --color_species

When this flag is set, the color of each branch tip will correspond to the species the sequence was derived from, not the cluster it is part of.

$: homolog_tree_builder '/path/to/final_clusters.txt' -cs

-ts, --taxa_sep   ( str )

If you have used a non-standard separator to distinguish species from sequence ID, you can specify this here (default = '-').

$: homolog_tree_builder '/path/to/final_clusters.txt' -ts '~'

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