bitlashwebserver - billroy/bitlash GitHub Wiki

This is a Bitlash-powered Ethernet web server and telnet console for Arduino.

It works with the official Arduino Ethernet shield and compatible Arduino boards.

Getting Started

  • Adjust the IP address, port, and default gateway in the code to be suitable for your network.
  • Upload the BitlashWebServer sketch to your Arduino
    • File -> Examples -> Bitlash -> BitlashWebServer *File -> Upload
  • For debugging, connect via your favorite Serial Monitor at 57600. You can watch the web traffic and issue commands.
  • Navigate to the configured IP/port in your browser. The default settings in the code is
  • If you see the "Bitlash web server here!" banner you've connected. You'll also see the hit logged on the serial monitor.
  • For remote maintenance, telnet to the same address/port and provide the password. The default password is "open sesame"; please change it below.
  • Read the rest, and go make webpages!

There are two ways to define a web server page:

  • You can compile in pages by modifying the builtin_page_list in the code. Built-in pages can contain bitlash code that's within square brackets [ ]. The server executes the code in [ ] while rendering the page output; any printed output the code generates will show up on the page.

For example: "The uptime is: [print millis]ms" (see the "index" example below)

  • Any Bitlash function whose name begins with the underscore character '_' is considered a valid URL mount point and its output is sent as a response when that URL is invoked.

For example: the Bitlash function _uptime is called when the url /uptime is requested

function _uptime {print "Uptime is ",millis,"ms";}

From another terminal window we can test what the browser might see:

$ curl
Uptime is 123324 ms

For example: send the value of analog input 3 when ".../volt3" is requested:

function _volt3 {print a3;}

Special pages _index and _error

If you define a function named _index, it will be rendered when the root url is requested. Think of it as index.html.

If you define a function named _error it will be rendered when an error occurs, in place of the built-in error page.

Both of these uses depend on an additional feature: a page handler defined as a Bitlash function takes priority over a built-in page. You can use this to mask or override built-in pages.

Telnet access

The password-protected telnet console operating on the same IP and port as the web server. It provides full access to Bitlash, so you can log in with telnet or nc and do bitlash stuff, including of course defining a new _function to expose a new web page.

...$ telnet 8080
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
open sesame
Bitlash web server here! v0.3

The default telnet password is "open sesame"; please change it below or risk becoming a security statistic.

Please note that the server is not smart enough to process web requests while a telnet session is open. (Perhaps this is a feature.) In any event, you will find it is necessary to quit your telnet connection to test your new page in the browser.

To log out, you may use the "logout" command, or the usual ^] followed by quit if you're using old-school telnet. If you're using nc, ^C will quit.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include "bitlash.h"

* Command line buffer for alternate command input stream
#define LBUFLEN 80
byte llen;
char linebuf[LBUFLEN];

*	Ethernet configuration
*	Adjust for local conditions
byte mac[] 		= {'b','i','t','c','h','i'};
byte ip[]  		= {192, 168, 1, 27};
byte gateway[] 	= {192, 168, 1, 1};
byte subnet[] 	= {255, 255, 255, 0};
#define PORT 8080

#define PASSPHRASE "open sesame"


#define BANNER "Bitlash web server here! v0.3\r\n"
#define INDEX_MACRO "_index"
#define ERROR_MACRO "_error"
#define ERROR_PAGE  "error"

#define CONTENT_TYPE_PLAIN "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"	* enable this for plaintext output
#define CONTENT_TYPE_HTML  "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"	* enable this for HTML output

#define HTTP_200_OK "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
#define HTTP_404_NOTFOUND "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n"

typedef struct {
const prog_char *url;
const prog_char *pagetext;
} builtin_page;

* 	Built-in HTML content: Add your new built-in pages here:
*	Define a URL mount point and the text of your page like the ones already there
*	Add them to the builtin_pages table just like the ones already there
*	Each string needs \0 at the end.
*	If you leave one off, you are guaranteed an interesting debugging experience
*	Lines will run together in text/plain mode without \r\n,
*	so mind your \r\n line endings.

* This block generates the built-in index page that is called on /
const prog_char index_url[] PROGMEM = { "index\0" };
const prog_char default_index_page[] PROGMEM = {
"Uptime: [print millis,]ms\r\n"
"Powered by Bitlash.\r\n"
"\0"	* must be last

* This block generates the built-in error page
const prog_char error_url[] PROGMEM = { "error\0" };
const prog_char error_page[] PROGMEM = { "Not found.\r\n\0" };

* Add new pages here, just like these
builtin_page builtin_page_list[] = {
{ index_url, default_index_page },
{ error_url, error_page },
{ 0, 0 }	* marks end, must be last

*	End of Static HTML content

int findStaticPage(char *pagename) {
int i=0;
const prog_char *name;
for (;;) {
name = builtin_page_list[i].url;
if (!name) break;
if (!strcmp_P((const char *) pagename, name)) return i;

void sendStaticPage(char *pagename) {

int pageindex = findStaticPage(pagename);
if (pageindex < 0) return;

const prog_char *addr = builtin_page_list[pageindex].pagetext;
for (;;) {
byte b = pgm_read_byte(addr++);
if (b == '\0') break;
else if (b == '[') {
char *optr = linebuf;
while ((b != ']') && ((optr-linebuf) < LBUFLEN)) {
b = pgm_read_byte(addr++);
if (b == ']') {
*optr = '\0';
else *optr++ = b;
else serialHandler(b);


extern void prompt(void);

Server server = Server(PORT);
Client client(MAX_SOCK_NUM);		* declare an inactive client

numvar func_logout(void) {

void serialHandler(byte b) {
Serial.print(b, BYTE);
if (client && client.connected()) client.print((char) b);

void sendstring(char *ptr) {
while (*ptr) serialHandler(*ptr++);

byte unlocked;
byte badpasswordcount;

#define IDBUFLEN 13
char pagename[IDBUFLEN];

byte isGET(char *line) {
return !strncmp(line, "GET /", 5);

byte isUnsupportedHTTP(char *line) {
return !strncmp(line, "PUT /", 5) ||
!strncmp(line, "POST /", 6) ||
!strncmp(line, "HEAD /", 6);

void servePage(char *pagename) {
Serial.print("\r\nWeb request: ");
Serial.print(" ");

if (getValue(pagename) >= 0) {		* _macro
sendstring(CONTENT_TYPE);			* configure this above
else if (findStaticPage(&pagename[1]) >= 0) {	* static page
sendstring(CONTENT_TYPE);			* configure this above
else {
if (getValue(ERROR_MACRO) >= 0) doCommand(ERROR_MACRO);
else if (findStaticPage(ERROR_PAGE) >= 0) sendStaticPage(ERROR_PAGE);
else sendstring("Error: not found.\r\n");	* shouldn't happen!

void handleInputLine(char *line) {

* check for web GET command: GET /macro HTTP/1.1
if (isGET(line)) {
char *iptr = line+5;	* point to first letter of macro name
char *optr = pagename;
*optr++ = '_';			* given "index" we search for macro "_index"
while (*iptr && (*iptr != ' ') && ((optr - pagename) < (IDBUFLEN-1))) {
*optr++ = *iptr++;
*optr = '\0';
if (strlen(pagename) == 1) strcpy(pagename, INDEX_MACRO);	* map / to /index thus _index
else if (isUnsupportedHTTP(line)) client.stop();

* not a web command: if we're locked, check for the passphrase
else if (!unlocked) {
if (!strcmp(line, PASSPHRASE)) {
unlocked = 1;
else if ((strlen(line) > 0) && (++badpasswordcount > BAD_PASSWORD_MAX)) client.stop();
else {
if (badpasswordcount) delay(1000);
sendstring("Password: ");

* unlocked, it's apparently a telnet command, execute it
else {

void setup(void) {

Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, subnet);

addBitlashFunction("logout", &func_logout);

void loop(void) {

client = server.available();
if (client) {
unlocked = 0;
badpasswordcount = 0;
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
char c =;
if ((c == '\r') || (c == '\n')) {
if (llen) {
linebuf[llen] = '\0';
llen = 0;
else if (llen < LBUFLEN-1) linebuf[llen++] = c;
else {;}	* drop overtyping on the floor here
else runBitlash();
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️