Javascript - bigktmbig/MyExperienceAlgorithm GitHub Wiki
- var check = RegExp('Bearer*');if (check.test(token)) {}
- endDate.toLocaleDateString('ja-JP'); //2018/12/15
- new Date for timestamp:
new Date(+Milliseconds);
ornew Date(parseInt(Milliseconds,10));
- new Date([number time]*1).toISOString()
- add 0 for date, month: var month = '0' + monthTmp.toString().substr(-2);
- get array unique element from a given array:
function getUniqueElements(array) {
var counter = {};
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
var key = array[i];
counter[key] = 1;
return Object.keys(counter);
var unique = getUniqueElements(['cat', 'dog', 'cat']);``console.log(unique);
===============================================================trim and replace extra spaces
- Resolve 1: // NOTE the possible initial and trailing spaces var str = " The dog has a long tail, and it is RED! " str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$|\s+(?=\s)/g, "");
// str -> "The dog has a long tail, and it is RED !"
Resolve 2: // Trims & replaces any wihtespacing to single space between words String.prototype.clearExtraSpace = function(){ var _trimLeft = /^\s+/, _trimRight = /\s+$/, _multiple = /\s+/g;
return this.replace(_trimLeft, '').replace(_trimRight, '').replace(_multiple, ' '); }; ================================================================get hour, minute from number
function parseTimeFromNumber(pTime) { var hourActual = '00'; var minuteActual = '00'; hourActual = ('0000' + (parseInt(pTime/100)).toString()).substr(-2); minuteActual = ('0000' + (pTime%100).toString()).substr(-2); // return hourActual + ":" + minuteActual; } ========================================================get unique follow object function getUnique(arr, comp) {
const unique = arr .map(e => e[comp])
// store the keys of the unique objects
.map((e, i, final) => final.indexOf(e) === i && i)
// eliminate the dead keys & store unique objects
.filter(e => arr[e]).map(e => arr[e]);
return unique; }
Get difference value of arr1 with arr2:
Array.prototype.difference = function(e) {
return this.filter(function(i) {
return e.indexOf(i) < 0;
clossure: A Closure is a function defined within another scope that has access to all the variables within the outer scope. A Closure allows us a free environment for the outer function to access the inner functions and inner variables without any scope restrictions. ==============================scroll to element function scrollToDiv(data) {
$("html, body").delay(300).animate({ scrollTop: $ ('.bokrm-wrap-item[data-date="' + data + '"]').offset().top }, 1500);
function scrollToDiv(data) {
function createCalendarBookingRoomMobile(paramYear, paramMonth, paramDate, action, table) { try { //-------------------------------------------------------// // SET TABLE => to create var table = typeof table !== "undefined" ? table : 'tbl-bokrm-top';
// GET DATE NOW => check date current
var date = new Date();
var thisYear = date.getFullYear();
var thisMonth = date.getMonth()+1;
var thisDate = date.getDate();
var getDateMobile = getDateBookingRoomMobile(paramYear, paramMonth, paramDate, 'td-bokrm', table);
var getYear = getDateMobile.getYear;
var getMonth = getDateMobile.getMonth.toString().length == 1 ? '0'+getDateMobile.getMonth.toString() : getDateMobile.getMonth;
var getDate = getDateMobile.getDate;
var element = $('#view-mobile .mb-calendar #bokrm_top_calendar .' + table);
// focus date
var numberRow = getDateMobile.dataDate.length;
// remove backgound chosen
element.find('.' + table + ' tbody tr td').removeClass('date-chosen');
// render
element.each(function(k, h) {
var _this = $(this);
_this.find('tbody tr').each(function(i, e) {
if (i < numberRow) {
$(e).find('td').each(function(j, td){
// set text color for date of other month
if(getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][4]) {
// set disabled for date of other month in the past and less than current date, sunday, saturday
if(getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][5]) {
//set date choose for curent date
if(getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][6]) {
// add prefix 0 before what the dates less than 10
if(getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][1] < 10) {
getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][1] = '0' + getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][1];
if(getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][2] < 10) {
getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][2] = '0' + getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][2];
$(td).attr('data-display-date', getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][0] + '/' + getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][1] + '/' + getDateMobile.dataDate[i][j][2]);
} catch(e) {
console.log('createCalendarBookingRoomMobile: ' + e);
function createCalendarHtmlBookingRoom(row, nameClass, table) { try { var html = ''; var calendarHtml = "
"; for (var i = 0; i < row; i++) { html += calendarHtml; }
$('.'+table+' tbody').append(html);
} catch(e) {
console.log('createCalendarHtmlBookingRoom: ' + e);
function getDateBookingRoomMobile(paramYear, paramMonth, paramDate, nameClass, table) { try { var array1Date = []; var totalDate = 0; var numberRow = 0; var startDate = 0; var array2Date = [];
var date = new Date();
date = new Date(date.setFullYear(paramYear, paramMonth, paramDate));
var getYear = date.getFullYear();
var getMonth = date.getMonth();
var getDate = date.getDate();
var getTime = date.getTime();
var firstDayOfMonth = date.setDate(1);
var positionFirstDay = new Date(firstDayOfMonth).getDay();
var lastDayOfMonth = new Date(getYear, getMonth + 1, 0).getDate();
var positionLastDay = new Date(getYear, getMonth + 1, 0).getDay();
var newFirstDayOfMonth = new Date(firstDayOfMonth);
basicStartDate = newFirstDayOfMonth.setDate(newFirstDayOfMonth.getDate() - newFirstDayOfMonth.getDay());
totalDate = positionFirstDay + lastDayOfMonth + (6 - positionLastDay);
numberRow = totalDate/7;
// create html
$('.'+table+' tbody').empty();
createCalendarHtmlBookingRoom(numberRow, nameClass, table);
for(var i = 0; i < totalDate; i++) {
newStartDate = new Date(basicStartDate).setDate(new Date(basicStartDate).getDate() + i);
var tmpNewStartDate = new Date(newStartDate);
tmpNewStartDate.getMonth() + 1,
tmpNewStartDate.getMonth() != getMonth ? 1 : 0,
(tmpNewStartDate.getTime() < getTime) ? 1 : 0,
(getDate == tmpNewStartDate.getDate() && tmpNewStartDate.getMonth() == getMonth) ? 1 : 0,
for(var j = 0; j < numberRow; j++) {
array2Date.push(array1Date.slice(j*7, j*7 + 7));
return {
dataDate: array2Date,
getYear: getYear,
getMonth: getMonth+1,
getDate: getDate
} catch(e) {
console.log('getDateBookingRoomMobile: ' + e);
==========================================2018/12/26 set height for slick slide /**
set height for slide
@author :
@author :
@param : {string}
@return : null
@access : public
@see : init */ function setHeightScreenAgain(screen = '') { try { var heightScreen =
$(window).outerHeight(); var heightSlide = $ ('.slick-current .' + screen).outerHeight(true) + 90;if (heightScreen < heightSlide) { $(document).find('.slick-list.draggable').height(heightSlide - 90); } else { if (heightScreen > (heightSlide + 30 + 60)) {//30: margin-bottom of #mb-slide, 60: menu bottom $(document).find('.slick-list.draggable').height(heightScreen - 90 - 30 - 60);// 90: header, 30: margin-bottom of #mb-slide, 60: menu bottom } else { $(document).find('.slick-list.draggable').height(heightScreen - 90 + 30);// 90: header, 30: disparity of margin bottom and menu bottom (60 - 30) } }
} catch(e) { alert('setHeightScreenAgain: ' + e); } } ================================================2018/01/03 weekrange function weekRange(start, end, firstDayName, lastDayName) { try { var results = []; var days = {sun:0,mon:1,tue:2,wed:3,thu:4,fri:5,sat:6}; var firstDay = days[firstDayName.toLowerCase().substr(0,3)]; var lastDay = days[lastDayName.toLowerCase().substr(0,3)]; // Copy start date var endDate = new Date(end); var fromDay = new Date(start); var toDay = new Date(start); var dayOfStart = fromDay.getDay(); var isStart = (dayOfStart == 0 || dayOfStart == 6) ? false : true; // Shift to next of required days if(isStart) { fromDay.setDate(fromDay.getDate() + (firstDay - fromDay.getDay() - 7) % 7); }else { fromDay.setDate(fromDay.getDate() + (firstDay - fromDay.getDay() + 7) % 7); } toDay.setDate(toDay.getDate() + (lastDay - toDay.getDay() + 7) % 7); // While less than end date, add dates to result array do { var tmpDate = {}; if(isStart) { tmpDate.date_from = start; isStart = false; }else { tmpDate.date_from = fromDay.toLocaleDateString('ja-JP'); } if(toDay >= endDate) { tmpDate.date_to = end; }else { tmpDate.date_to = toDay.toLocaleDateString('ja-JP'); } //Add dates to date list results.push(tmpDate); //increasing date up to a week fromDay.setDate(fromDay.getDate() + 7); toDay.setDate(toDay.getDate() + 7); }while (fromDay <= endDate) return results; } catch (e) { console.log('weekRange: ' + e.message); } } =======================================2019/01/05 replace var arrb = ['12', '13', '14', '15']; var str = "@!@ fsd@!@ sdf@!@df sds"; var res = str; arrb.forEach(function (item) { res = res.replace(/@!@/, item.toString()); console.log(res); }); setTimeout(function() { console.log(res); }, 2000);
1.handle keyup
(function () {
// We'll copy the properties below into the mirror div. // Note that some browsers, such as Firefox, do not concatenate properties // into their shorthand (e.g. padding-top, padding-bottom etc. -> padding), // so we have to list every single property explicitly. var properties = [ 'direction', // RTL support 'boxSizing', 'width', // on Chrome and IE, exclude the scrollbar, so the mirror div wraps exactly as the textarea does 'height', 'overflowX', 'overflowY', // copy the scrollbar for IE
'borderTopWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderBottomWidth', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderStyle',
'paddingTop', 'paddingRight', 'paddingBottom', 'paddingLeft',
// 'fontStyle', 'fontVariant', 'fontWeight', 'fontStretch', 'fontSize', 'fontSizeAdjust', 'lineHeight', 'fontFamily',
'textAlign', 'textTransform', 'textIndent', 'textDecoration', // might not make a difference, but better be safe
'letterSpacing', 'wordSpacing',
'tabSize', 'MozTabSize'
var isBrowser = (typeof window !== 'undefined'); var isFirefox = (isBrowser && window.mozInnerScreenX != null);
function getCaretCoordinates(element, position, options) { if (!isBrowser) { throw new Error('textarea-caret-position#getCaretCoordinates should only be called in a browser'); }
var debug = options && options.debug || false; if (debug) { var el = document.querySelector('#input-textarea-caret-position-mirror-div'); if (el) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); }
// The mirror div will replicate the textarea's style var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'input-textarea-caret-position-mirror-div'; document.body.appendChild(div);
var style =; var computed = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(element) : element.currentStyle; // currentStyle for IE < 9 var isInput = element.nodeName === 'INPUT';
// Default textarea styles style.whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap'; if (!isInput) style.wordWrap = 'break-word'; // only for textarea-s
// Position off-screen style.position = 'absolute'; // required to return coordinates properly if (!debug) style.visibility = 'hidden'; // not 'display: none' because we want rendering
// Transfer the element's properties to the div properties.forEach(function (prop) { if (isInput && prop === 'lineHeight') { // Special case for s because text is rendered centered and line height may be != height if (computed.boxSizing === "border-box") { var height = parseInt(computed.height); var outerHeight = parseInt(computed.paddingTop) + parseInt(computed.paddingBottom) + parseInt(computed.borderTopWidth) + parseInt(computed.borderBottomWidth); var targetHeight = outerHeight + parseInt(computed.lineHeight); if (height > targetHeight) { style.lineHeight = height - outerHeight + "px"; } else if (height === targetHeight) { style.lineHeight = computed.lineHeight; } else { style.lineHeight = 0; } } else { style.lineHeight = computed.height; } } else { style[prop] = computed[prop]; } });
if (isFirefox) { // Firefox lies about the overflow property for textareas: if (element.scrollHeight > parseInt(computed.height)) style.overflowY = 'scroll'; } else { style.overflow = 'hidden'; // for Chrome to not render a scrollbar; IE keeps overflowY = 'scroll' }
div.textContent = element.value.substring(0, position); // The second special handling for input type="text" vs textarea: // spaces need to be replaced with non-breaking spaces - if (isInput) div.textContent = div.textContent.replace(/\s/g, '\u00a0');
var span = document.createElement('span'); // Wrapping must be replicated exactly, including when a long word gets // onto the next line, with whitespace at the end of the line before (#7). // The only reliable way to do that is to copy the entire rest of the // textarea's content into the created at the caret position. // For inputs, just '.' would be enough, but no need to bother. span.textContent = element.value.substring(position) || '.'; // || because a completely empty faux span doesn't render at all div.appendChild(span);
var coordinates = { top: span.offsetTop + parseInt(computed['borderTopWidth']), left: span.offsetLeft + parseInt(computed['borderLeftWidth']), height: parseInt(computed['lineHeight']) };
if (debug) { = '#aaa'; } else { document.body.removeChild(div); }
return coordinates; }
if (typeof module != 'undefined' && typeof module.exports != 'undefined') { module.exports = getCaretCoordinates; } else if(isBrowser) { window.getCaretCoordinates = getCaretCoordinates; }
}()); ====================================================2019/01/08 backspace element html function backspaceComment(comment_div, evt) { try { // fix backspace bug in FF // var selection = window.getSelection(); if (!selection.isCollapsed || !selection.rangeCount) { return; }
var curRange = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1);
if (curRange.commonAncestorContainer.nodeType == 3 && curRange.startOffset > 0) {
// we are in child selection. The characters of the text node is being deleted
var range = document.createRange();
if (selection.anchorNode != comment_div) {
// selection is in character mode. expand it to the whole editable field
} else if (selection.anchorOffset > 0) {
range.setEnd(comment_div, selection.anchorOffset);
} else {
// reached the beginning of editable field
range.setStart(comment_div, range.endOffset - 1);
var previousNode = range.cloneContents().lastChild;
if (previousNode && previousNode.contentEditable == 'false') {
// this is some rich content, e.g. smile. We should help the user to delete it
} catch(e){
console.log('backspaceComment: ' + e.message);
===================================================2019/01/08 blink cursor move to the end text in div contenteditable
1.listen event
var fullName =
- add async: false, in ajax. ======================================================================2019/01/16 middle click of mouse
- event mousedown with event.button (0: left click, 1: middle click) ======================================================================2019/02/02 mon, sun of week Date.prototype.GetFirstDayOfWeek = function() { return (new Date(this.setDate(this.getDate() - this.getDay()))); }
Date.prototype.GetLastDayOfWeek = function() { return (new Date(this.setDate(this.getDate() - this.getDay() +6))); }
var today = new Date();
======================================================2019/03/14 obj is empty
function isEmpty(obj) {
for(var key in obj) {
return false;
return true;
=======================================================2019/07/01 handle display time hh:mm
const BREAK_TIME_LST = [
{key: 1, value: 60},
{key: 2, value: 45},
{key: 3, value: 30},
{key: 4, value: 15},
{key: 99, value: ''},
{key: 5, value: 0}
var time1 =
=======================================================2020/10/19 IE browser do not declare default value in function function(ab = '') { // wrong }
function(ab) { // right if(ab === undefinded) { ab = ''; } }