Getting Started (bHaptics Designer with AVProVideo in Unity 3D) - bhaptics/haptic-library GitHub Wiki

1. What you need before you start.

2. How to generate haptic file(tact file).

  • By using the bHaptics Designer, you can sync the video clip with bHaptics haptic devices as below. image

  • For more tutorial, please check here. (sorry for outdated tutorial)

3. Sync the haptic file with video in Unity

  • Import BhapticsAVProVideoExample.unitypackage (Located at /Assets/bHapticsManager/Examples/ExamplePackages/BhapticsAVProVideoExample.unitypackage)
  • Sample Scene: bHapticsAVProVideo.unity (Located at Assets/bHaptics/AVProVideoSample/Scenes/bHapticsAVProVideo.unity)
  • In your existing project,
    • 3.1 Add [bHapticsManager] Prefab image

    • 3.2 Add BhapticsAVProVideo.cs to your MediaPlayer GameObject and setup TactSource as below image

    • 3.3 Now everything is done!