Effort Tracking - betulnesibe/swe573-software-development-practice GitHub Wiki


This page is created in order to track the effort weekly in terms of time, task, and nature of work.

Week 13 (18.12.2024-24.12.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Preparing project deliverables 600 minutes Documentation
Revising Github 120 minutes Documentation

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: 12 hours of work is done. Project deliverables are prepared and Github is revised.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Project delivery

Week 12 (11.12.2024-17.12.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Project development 1200 minutes Documentation, Research
Project deployment 600 minutes Deployment

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: At least 30 hours of work is done. v0.9 of the project is completed and deployed.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Search functionality milestone, project delivery milestone.

Week 11 (04.12.2024-10.12.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Project development 600 minutes Development

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: At least 10 hours of work is done. Worked on feedbacks taken from project demonstration.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Posting functionality milestone, post interactions functionality milestone

Week 10 (27.11.2024-03.12.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Project development 600 minutes Development

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: At least 10 hours of work is done. Project reinitialized with monolithic approach. Worked on user signup and login functionalities and posting functionality
  • current status in terms of your project development: Project initialized, posting functionality milestone

Week 9 (20.11.2024-26.11.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Project development 300 minutes Development

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: At least 5 hours of work is done using React and Django for project. Worked on user signup and login functionalities. Email authentication via email verification is implemented.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Project initialized

Week 8 (13.11.2024-19.11.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Django training 60 minutes Documentation, Research

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: 2 hours of work is done.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Training on the technical stack

Week 7 (06.11.2024-12.11.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Django training 120 minutes Documentation, Research

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: 2 hours of work is done.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Training on the technical stack

** Previous milestones was incorrectly created. From now on, they will be adhere to the new milestones.

Week 6 (30.10.2024-05.11.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Django training 60 minutes Documentation, Research
Creating mock-up screens 60 minutes Documentation, Design

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: 2 hours of work is done.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Milestone 2: Design

Week 5 (23.10.2024-29.10.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Django training 780 minutes Documentation, Research

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: over 13 hours of work is done.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Milestone 1: Requirements Engineering

Week 4 (16.10.2024-22.10.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Django training 600 minutes Documentation, Research

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: over 10 hours of work is done.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Milestone 1: Requirements Engineering

Week 3 (09.10.2024-15.10.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Create milestones 30 minutes Documentation, Research
Research languages, frameworks, etc. 120 minutes Documentation, Research
Conduct requirements specification 60 minutes Documentation, Requirements

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: over 3 hours of work is done.
  • current status in terms of your project development: Milestone 1: Requirements Engineering

Week 2 (02.10.2024-08.10.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Find an unidentified object 15 minutes Research
Research object identification platforms 25 minutes Research
Create a mock-up scenario 90 minutes Documentation, Requirements
Discover possible requirements based on the mock-up scenario 30 minutes Documentation, Requirements
Create requirements elicitation questions 30 minutes Documentation, Question, Requirements

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: over 3 hours of work is done.
  • current status in terms of your project development: beginning

Week 1 (24.09.2024-01.10.2024)

Task Duration Type of Work
Create GitHub repository 15 minutes Setup
Add contributors 3 minutes Management
Research previous repositories for insight 45 minutes Research
Edit ReadMe File 15 minutes Documentation
Customize the issue labels of the repository 30 minutes Management
Document the customized issue labels 60 minutes Documentation
Document effort tracking 10 Documentation, Management
Research Git and document the findings 120 minutes Documentation, Research
Research Wikidata and document the findings 45 minutes Documentation, Research

Summary of the week

  • summary of the weekly effort: over 6 hours of work is done.
  • current status in terms of your project development: pre-beginning