Functions:Advanced - bettyblocks/cli GitHub Wiki

On-premise block store function configuration

An example configuration should look like the following JSON.

  "host": "https://<<APP_IDENTIFIER>>.ide.<<BASE_DOMAIN>>",
  "applicationId": "11111111111111111111111111111111",
  "zone": "zone",
  "fusionAuthUrl": "https://id.<<BASE_DOMAIN>>",
  "tenantId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
  "blockstoreApiUrl": "https://my-bb.<<BASE_DOMAIN>>/block-store-api",
  "schemaUrl": "https://json-schema.<<BASE_DOMAIN>>",
  "functionSchemaPath": "/schemas/actions/function.json",
  "builderApiUrl": "{HOST}/api/builder",

NOTE: You need to change everything between << and >> with your own values.

  • Host: This is the domain of the builder. If you're located on the dashboard of the builder, it will be the part of the URL from https or http until the sublevel domain (.nl or .com). For example
  • ApplicationId: This is the application to which the blocks are being published to. This can be found in the application settings underneath the options tab, it is shown on the bottom of the page.
  • zone: You can leave this the same as the example configuration above.
  • fusionAuthUrl: This is the URL of the Betty Blocks login page. On the Betty Blocks login page, it will be the part of the URL from https or http until the sublevel domain (.nl or .com). For example
  • tenantId: This is the unique identifier of the FusionAuth organization. You need to ask your system engineer to provide this for you.
  • blockstoreApiUrl: This is the domain of your block store service. The domain of My Betty Blocks can be found on the applications overview, it will be the part of the URL from https or http until the sublevel domain (.nl or .com). After the domain you need to add the following endpoint /block-store-api. For example
  • schemaUrl: This is the URL to the host domain where you have hosted your JSONSchema services. You need to ask your system engineer to provide this for you.
  • functionSchemaPath: This is the path to the schema definition of your actions. This JSON file checks if your actions are valid. It is not necessary to change the value, so you can leave this the same as the example configuration above.
  • builderApiUrl: You can leave this the same as the example configuration above.


How do I solve a verify certificate error while publishing my functions?

It is possible that you get an error while trying to publish your functions to your application. If the error shows the following reason: unable to verify the first certificate, it is most likely that some services are hosted with a custom certificate. To fix this issue you need to add the certificate to Node. This can be done with the following command:

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