random number - bertdupe/Matjes GitHub Wiki
It is possible to use different random numbers generators. So far, 3 random numbers are implemented: the GNU, mtprng (internal) and the MKL. The different random numbers can be chosen in the input file with the flag
rnd_num_type 1, 2 or 3
The random numbers are all picked up at the same time and then read from a table. In the spin dynamics, they are picked up at each time step for the whole lattice.
the different and number generator
rnd_num_type 1 The GNU end number generator (default)
The GNU random number generator is initialized based on the normal one.
call random_number(r)
It is a normal distribution of random number between 0 and 1. several option can be chosen depending on what you want.
print_rnd .F.
print the series of random numbers in files rnd_num_
rnd_noise .F.
enforce random noise even if no temperature is given in the input. This is over-ruled if the a temperature is set in the input.
mean 0.0d0
mean of the distribution
sigma 1.0d0
sigma of the distribution
min_rnd_val 0.0d0
minimum value of the random number
max_rnd_val 1.0d0
maximum value of the random number
rnd_num_type 2 The MKL end number generator
rnd_num_type 3 The MTPRNG end number generator
The MTPRNG random number generator has the same option as the GNU.
The distribution
The different distribution can be chosen depending on the variable
name_rnd uniform|normal|exponential|gamma|chi square|inverse gamma|weibull|cauchy|student t|laplace|log-normal|beta
The library is inspired from: http://www.johndcook.com/julia_rng.html. Original author in julia : John D Cook coded : Sukhbinder in fortran Date : 28th Feb 2012