Classes List - beo8538/Challenge2 GitHub Wiki

Classes Betzaida worked on:

CivilianCarMovement - Lead Developer: Betzaida, Other Dev: Cristian

Description: This class mainly focused on the movement of the civilian cars that the player faces. It made the civilian cars move toward the player on the -z axis. Cristian added the destroy function so to not have so many cars in game.

CarRotation - Lead Developer: Betzaida

Description: In the SelectionScreen (not included in build) this script has the cars rotating when the player chooses a car.

Game manager - Lead Developer: Akram, Other person: Betzaida We added it, but it's mainly just there.

BoundsCheck - Lead Developer: Betzaida

Description: Mainly made sure that things where in camera view. Later we found out it was not needed.

Spawner - Lead Developer: Betzaida, Other Developer: Cristian

Description: Spawns the civilian cars.

Classes Cristian worked on:

Spawn Manager - Lead Developer: Cristian

Description: When the car hit the invisible game object, it triggers the road manager script.

Enemy - Lead Developer: Cristian, Other Dev: Yao

Description: Had the police car follow the player. Police car was made purposely faster than the player to cause difficulty.

RoadGenerator - Lead Developer: Cristian

Description: Endless road generator that moves the road forward when the player passes an invisible trigger

Classes Yao worked on:

Player (Gas tank going down) - Lead Developer: Yao

Description: Was told to drop.

Pickups (gas and special car parts) - Lead Developer: Yao

Description: Was told to drop.

Health and Damage system – Lead Developer: Yao

Description: Health and Damage system for when the player hits the cop or civilian cars.

Basicmovement - Lead Developer: Yao, Other - Cristian

Description: The movement for the player car.