LAB 3‐2 ‐ Exploring Broadcast Domains - benjamintyler367/NET-150-Journal GitHub Wiki

Lab Journal Entry

In this Lab we pinged each others computers and got request and response packets showing that our two computers are talking with each other. In the future I will need to remember to turn off my firewall to get the response packets. During the lab the only issue I encountered was the firewall which was fixed my simply just turning off the firewall.

Questions From the Lab

What is ARP.

ARP is an abbreviation for Address Resolution Protocol which is used to turn IP addresses into MAC addresses. The way

Make sure you know how to capture a packet and how to look through network traffic.

You capture packets using Wireshark and you look though hit by clicking on the specific packet and using the drop down menus below to look through the traffic and to see what is in it.