Shredder - benirose/O_C-BenisphereSuite GitHub Wiki

Shredder is a 2-channel, 16-step CV sequencer on a 4x4 grid, inspired by the Noise Engineering Mimetic Digitalis. Each channel can have random values "shred" to the sequence within a specified range. Ranges can be from 1 to 5 volts unipolar, or 1 to 3 volts bi-polar. Additionally, one or both channels can run through the quantizer.

See it in action:


  • Digital Ins: A clock to Digital 1 plays the CV at the current position for both channels and advances to the next step (x, then y), and Digital 2 resets to (1,1)
  • CV Ins: CV 1 is the x position on the plane, and CV 2 is the y position
  • Outputs: A/C is Channel 1's output, and B/D is Channel 2's output
  • Encoder Push: Double-push shreds value when on channel ranges. Single-push cycles the cursor between parameters
  • Encoder Turn: Changes the range, changes which channels go through the quantizer, or changes the quantizer scale

Note: Due to memory limitations, generated sequences cannot be saved. However, all parameters will be saved and new sequences will be generated from those settings on power up.