git workflow - ben600324/wiki GitHub Wiki

  • There is a shared project master that all team members can write to
  • All development is done exclusively on feature branches
  • Feature branches are code reviewed by a team member other than the branch author
  • The feature branch is eventually merged into the shared master and the cycle starts again Our development workflow needs to fit our own needs. the development branch, feature branches, release branches, hotfix branches,and finally the master branch which is used as the current production code. The master branch is left alone most of the time, it only contains releases. The develop branch should be stable at all times, and the feature branches can be broken.

Github Workflow:

  1. Developer works on lacal branch. when finished the work git commit and pushed to github.
  2. create a pull request for other developer.
  3. code review
  4. merge to master or main branch
  5. after merged master, pull master to local
  6. merge master to your local branch or create a branch for new work
  7. Regularly review GitHub branches and remove those that are unnecessary

Development Workflow:

  1. Setting up environment
  2. Setting up your IDE
  3. Working on a ticket (Each ticket should have its own branch or branches. A branch name should be prefixed with the ticket numbe)
  4. Developing
  5. Test
  6. Commit your work

Deployment Workflow:

  1. Release note
  2. Rollback plan
  3. Maintenance mode
  4. Backup database
  5. Deploy codebase
  6. Run databse update and import configuration changes
  7. Clear the cache
  8. Test

Jira Workflow:

  1. Requirements Analysis
  2. Ready for refinement
  3. In Refinement
  4. Ready for development
  5. In development
  6. Code review
  7. Ready for testing
  8. In testing
  9. Bug
  10. Ready for deployment
  11. Ready for live testing
  12. In testing for live
  13. Done

4 Core commands line for gitflow

  1. git add .
  2. git commit -m "comments"
  3. git pull origin master
  4. git push

chmod -R ug+w .;

rm -rf .git/hooks

git fetch origin git branch -f the-branch-I-want origin/the-branch-I-want git checkout the-branch-I-want