Working with Drush - ben600324/wiki GitHub Wiki

Using drush from the command line

You do not need to change users to use drush, all sites and aliases can be accessed like so:
sudo -H -u aegir bash -c 'drush status'

Drush errors and how to fix them

Drush does not work well with PHP 7.1, if you are experiencing drush errors check which version of PHP is in use with:
drush status

If the version shows PHP 7.1 you can change back to version 7.0 like this:
sudo ln -sfn /usr/bin/php7.0 /etc/alternatives/php

Drush status should now show 7.0

Drush db export/import

import gz

drush sql-drop && drush sqlq --file=db.sql.gz drush sql-cli < ~/path/to/db-file.sql