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#DDEV database import

ddev import-db --target-db=newdb. The created database will already have permissions, etc.

The rest of the answer has been edited to bring it up to date...

You can also manually create and manage databases (although this is rarely necessary any more). The root password for the db server is 'root', so you can mysql -uroot -proot in there (or use ddev mysql -uroot -proot).

ddev mysql -uroot -proot CREATE DATABASE newdb; GRANT ALL ON newdb.* to 'db'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'db'; Now, if you want to load from a db dump, ddev import-db --target-db=newdb --src=dumpfile.sql

ddev exec drush mup --legacy-db-url=mysql://db:db@ddev-bbp-d7-db --legacy-root=https://bbp-d7.ddev.site --configure-only

drush migrate:upgrade --legacy-db-url=mysql://db:db@ddev-bbp-d7-db:3306/db --legacy-root=https://bbp-d7.ddev.site --configure-only

((Recruitment_Status__c IN ('Applying') AND Offer_sub_stage__c IN ('Offer Confirmed','Enrolled')) OR (Recruitment_Status__c = 'Active') OR (TF_Support_Roles__c INCLUDES (' ECF')) OR (Title IN ('Development Lead')) OR (Title LIKE 'Programme _ Events Lead')) AND Email !=''

Quick start drupal9 site

mkdir my-drupal9-site cd my-drupal9-site ddev config --project-type=drupal9 --docroot=web --create-docroot ddev start ddev composer create "drupal/recommended-project" ddev composer require drush/drush ddev drush site:install -y ddev drush uli ddev launch