individual example - bellrichm/WeeWX-MQTTSubscribe GitHub Wiki

individual examples

In this example there are 3 topics, topic/id, topic/temp1, and topic/outTemp.

  1. On topic/id, a single value is published in the message. It is desired to ignore this data. This is easily accomplished by not configuring this topic.

  2. On topic/temp1, a temperature is published in the message. This tempurature is measured in Celsius, but needs to stored as Farenheit. This value should be stored in the WeeWX field extraTemp1.

  3. On topic/outTemp, a temperature is published in the message. This temperature is measured in Fahrenheit, the unit of measurement it should be saved as. This value should be stored in the WeeWX field outTemp.

The configuration below accomplishes this. This example leverages MQTTSubscribe's default values. To see a more complete template see,

Common options is a reference of the most common options.

[MQTTSubscribeService or MQTTSubscribeDriver]
    # The driver to use.
    # Only used by the driver.
    driver = user.MQTTSubscribe
    # Turn the service on and off.
    # Default is true.
    # Only used by the service.
    enable = true

    # The MQTT server.
    # Default is: localhost
    host = localhost

    # The port to connect to.
    # Default is: 1883
    port = 1883

        # Configuration for the message callback.
            # The format of the MQTT payload.
            # Currently support: individual, json, keyword
            # Must be specified.
            type = individual

            # The WeeWX name.
            # Default is the name from MQTT.
            name = extraTemp1

            # The units of the incoming data.
            # Useful if this field's units differ from the topic's unit_system's units.
            # Valid values: see,
            # Default is not set
            units = degree_C
