Switch - bellinux/pcode GitHub Wiki

The Switch component provides a customizable switch interface. It allows users to create interactive switches with customizable styles, text labels, and callbacks for state changes.


Import the Component

import Switch from './js/switch.js';

Create the Switch

To create a switch, instantiate the Switch class with optional configuration parameters. By default, the switch will be initialized in the 'off' state.

const switchInstance = new Switch({
    onText: 'ON', 
    offText: 'OFF', 
    width: 90, 
    height: 180,
    top: 30,
    left: 30,
    fontSize: 20,
    onTurnedOn: () => console.log('Switch turned ON'),
    onTurnedOff: () => console.log('Switch turned OFF'),
    styleOff: { backgroundColor: 'grey' },
    styleOn: { backgroundColor: 'green' }

Customizing Styles

You can customize the styles of the switch container, knob, and text elements using the respective setStyleContainer, setStyleKnob, and setStyleTextElement methods.

switchInstance.setStyleContainer({ backgroundColor: 'blue', borderRadius: '15px' });
switchInstance.setStyleKnob({ backgroundColor: 'white', boxShadow: '0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)' });
switchInstance.setStyleTextElement({ color: 'black', fontWeight: 'bold' });

Setting Text Labels

Set custom text labels for the 'on' and 'off' states using the setOnOffText method.

switchInstance.setOnOffText('1', 'O');

Setting Position

Adjust the position of the switch on the screen using the setPosition method.

switchInstance.setPosition(100, 50);

Handling State Changes

Register callbacks for when the switch is turned on or off using the onTurnedOn and onTurnedOff methods.

switchInstance.onTurnedOn(() => console.log('Switch is now ON'));
switchInstance.onTurnedOff(() => console.log('Switch is now OFF'));

Removing the Switch

Remove the switch from the DOM using the remove method when it is no longer needed.



Import the Component

from switch import Switch

Create the Switch

To create a switch, instantiate the Switch class with optional configuration parameters. By default, the switch will be initialized in the 'off' state.

# Example configuration
config = {
    'onText': 'ON',
    'offText': 'OFF',
    'width': 90,
    'height': 180,
    'top': 30,
    'left': 30,
    'fontSize': 20,
    'onTurnedOn': lambda: print('Switch turned ON'),
    'onTurnedOff': lambda: print('Switch turned OFF'),
    'styleOff': {'backgroundColor': 'grey'},
    'styleOn': {'backgroundColor': 'green'}

switch_instance = Switch(config)

Customizing Styles

You can customize the styles of the switch container, knob, and text elements using the respective setStyleContainer, setStyleKnob, and setStyleTextElement methods.

switch_instance.setStyleContainer({'backgroundColor': 'blue', 'borderRadius': '15px'})
switch_instance.setStyleKnob({'backgroundColor': 'white', 'boxShadow': '0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'})
switch_instance.setStyleTextElement({'color': 'black', 'fontWeight': 'bold'})

Setting Text Labels

Set custom text labels for the 'on' and 'off' states using the setOnOffText method.

switch_instance.setOnOffText('1', '0')

Setting Position

Adjust the position of the switch on the screen using the setPosition method.

switch_instance.setPosition(100, 50)

Handling State Changes

Register callbacks for when the switch is turned on or off using the onTurnedOn and onTurnedOff methods.

switch_instance.onTurnedOn(lambda: print('Switch is now ON'))
switch_instance.onTurnedOff(lambda: print('Switch is now OFF'))

Removing the Switch

Remove the switch from the DOM using the remove method when it is no longer needed.
