playing with the code - beagleboard/beaglebone-blue GitHub Wiki
The board has some code built in to the system that can allow you to try out the various options. They all start with rc_
rc_balance rc_dsm_passthrough rc_test_encoders
rc_battery_monitor rc_kill rc_test_filters
rc_benchmark_algebra rc_spi_loopback rc_test_imu
rc_bind_dsm rc_startup_routine rc_test_motors
rc_blink rc_test_adc rc_test_polynomial
rc_calibrate_dsm rc_test_algebra rc_test_servos
rc_calibrate_escs rc_test_barometer rc_test_time
rc_calibrate_gyro rc_test_buttons rc_test_vector
rc_calibrate_mag rc_test_cape rc_uart_loopback
rc_check_battery rc_test_dmp rc_version
rc_check_model rc_test_drivers
rc_cpu_freq rc_test_dsm
Try them out to try out the various functions of the board. The source code for these tests and demos is at Robotics cape installer at github