Web App Starter Kit - bcgov/common-service-showcase GitHub Wiki
The Common Services team is proud to become an active supporter of the QuickStart for OpenShift(QS). The Quickstart is a fully functional set of GitHub Actions workflows and a starter application stack intended to help Agile teams hit the ground running.
This page of our wiki will be evolving over the next few days as we document our own experiences with the QuickStart.
Table of Contents
Useful links
CSS Demo Instance
The Common Services team have deployed a sandbox app using the QS.
Notes taken throughout this learning process
- Use the Quickstart Openshift repo as a template
- In your GitHUb repo, add secrets and variables to GH Settings as described in the QS readme
- If you require code-analysis, request SonarCloud projects from BCDevOps using this form
- https://sonarcloud.io/project/configuration?id=bcgov-quickstart-one-backend
- https://sonarcloud.io/project/configuration?id=bcgov-quickstart-one-frontend To allow integration, go to SonarCload project/account settings, generate a token and add it to the Tokens section in your GitHub repo setting
- Configure rulesets
- Setup environments test and prod
- PR will only deploy if code has changed for front or backend. To test pipeline, alter code in one of those directories.
- Sandbox deployment:
- Deployment notifications sent to our MS Teams channel