CrunchyDB Research - bcgov/common-service-showcase GitHub Wiki
Steps for testing
- Tested inside the namespace for our COMS project (1dca6b-dev)
- Deployed from a fork/branch of the COMS repo
Step 1: Create the Postgres cluster
The postgres cluster (and other services provided by the crunchyDb operator) can be deployed using an openshift template applied using the oc command line interface.
postgres cluster openshift template: postgres-cluster.yaml
Apply the template with the following command:
oc apply -f postgres-cluster.yaml # run from inside directory containing template
The template will set up:
- HA postgres cluster made up of:
- 3 'postgres' pods, each includes resources for monitoring, backups and replication
- a separate stateful set for each postgres pods
- a PVC for each of the 3 postgres pods
- pgBackRest - for creating backups
- A PVC for storing backups
- pgBouncer - proxy connection pooler
- secrets:
- Postgres connection parameters
- SSL certs for connections between databases and other infrastructure
- Credentials for authorizing Backups, monitoring and db connection pooling
Additional Requirements
To overide the default 'deny from all' network policy on our OpenShift namespaces, i added the an openshift network policy to allow traffic between postgres cluster pods
Step 2: Connecting to the cluster
With the Postgres cluster running you can connect to the database using the parameters provided in the secret that was created by the operator. for our test this was the secret named: crunchy-pguser-crunchy
- connect to master postgres pod from local machine:
oc -n 1dca6b-dev port-forward $(oc -n 1dca6b-dev get pods -o name --selector, 15432:5432
Note: run your local postgres connection on port 15432 and use the connection details from the crunchy-pguser-crunchy secret in your DBeaver settings.
Step 3: Running the COMS app and connecting to the database
Deploy the COMS app in a quick and dirty manner just for testing purposes.
COMS deployment config template: coms-deploy.yaml
Apply the template with the following command:
oc apply -f coms-deploy.dc.yaml # run from inside directory containing template
Note: the database connection environment variables that COMS needs are pulled from the same secret created by the Postgres cluster. Additonal enviroment variables are hard coded into an openshift configMap: coms-config.yaml
To allow traffic from COMS app to master postgres container an OpenShift network policy can be applied to allow the COMS to connect to the master Postgres pod
To make the COMS application availaible with an external web url apply:
- The COMS app exits with error:
"component": "dataConnection",
"function": "checkConnection",
"level": "error",
"message": "Error with database connection: no pg_hba.conf entry for host \"\", user \"hippo-ha\", database \"hippo-ha\", SSL off",
"timestamp": "2022-05-04T17:52:16.399Z"
Pros and Cons
- Less yaml code than the previous patroni solution
- full and incremental backups, continuous archiving with pgbackrest, allowing for point-in-time recovery
- connection pooling with pgbouncer
- metrics with pgmonitor (requires a bit more setup)
- good docs and lots of examples:
- Postgres GIS (mapping) options
Architecture Overiew
See CruncyDB docs for full details
- High Availability:
- RAFT algorithm (Reliable, Replicated, Redundant, Fault-Tolerant)
- Replica > Leader model, using Log sequence number. elected leader
- Pod Anti-Affinity
- Synchronous Replication: Guarding Against Transactions Loss
- Rolling Updates
- Backups:
- Schedule backups (full, differential, and incremental) using OC CronJobs
- Restore (full or point-in-time)
- Delete backups using the retention options
- Monitoring:
- uses pgMonitor (prometheus, grafana, Alertmanager)
Other things to note
- Openshift (Silver cluster) has the open-source version of the CrunchyDB Operator installed.
- The current version is 5.0.5
- Being open-source, there isn't a support contract